What YOUR crazy??...free RANT!!

Post what your crazy is…
whore out your fave social rant!!!

I am a paranoid overstimulated obnoxoius asshole…
I never mean anything I ever say (when it sounds mean)
I am waaay too easily bored.

I am an asshole…deal with it
dont like what I have to say…tell me so…
I am an asshole, I dont care if you don’t like what I have to say"

I am not a prissy baby who gets OFFENDED when the wind blows up my pantleg. or a politically corect government C**k sucker.

I say what I feel…If I’m wrong…SAY SO…dont leave me stupid…teach me.

I like people…really I do!..but some of you don’t realise the worl revolves around ALL OF US…not just you.

your an asshole, lets drink!

i like my beer cold and my joints smoking.

oshawa sucks

…ugh…ive got a temper…there…end of story lol

thats not funny:S asshole jks :smiley:

haha yea…u just keep smiling!:mad: lol

oops there goes the temper lol…

lol im only kidding…but theres certain things that just really piss me off…some ppl here know what they are

women… enough said :stuck_out_tongue: lol

as ^^^ know’s, my OCD with my camera. settings can’t be changed or tinkered with.

WHO WOULD DO SUCH A THING… boy its gettin hot in here lol

my shit?

I keep saying i’ll buy a car…


No need to rush into such a purchase, get what you want and not whats available… You will be happier in the long run.


thats the smart way of doin it…but sumtimes you can be lucky the other way…with me it was…i saw it…i wanted it…and got it haha

Thats what i’ve been doing, but you’re right… its really hard being patient though. I spend so much time just looking for cars all my studies have dropped.



i’m so bored at work… i hooked up an altec lansing 2.1 speaker system to my computer system here at work… having an office all to myself isn’t too bad on this friday morning. HAHAH, this sub is pretty good, maybe i should get one for home.

Just get a loan then pay it off slowly, while paying insurance.
Better than public transit.

But, if you already have a car to drive, then you can just use that for now? :smiley:

Oshawa does suck. I lived there for most of my early childhood years. The first time I experienced racism was when I lived there. Being asian, I was always ridiculed as a stupid chinese kid when i was younger.

But other than that, I was able to get more in touch with my adventerous side when i was there. Having alot of white friends, I was always out bike riding through the bike trails and such and such.

Also, went to school there in my early adult hood. Durham College sucks. Full of farmer hicks.