ismo's inaine rambling

…This thread is very offensive to me ZEP.

hmm maby to much … nearly crashed the busa my mom had for a week .
yeah my mom is down with the crotch rockets … wanna fight abotu it? :stuck_out_tongue:

she didnt buy it , a friend of hers had us hold on to it , he lives in a condo i think and didnt want ti to sti int he underground for like 16 days unattended shurgs
what kind of bike do you have???

Why is it that Bike owners are like civic owners on forums?

are b13bully and ismo relatives in anyway? just curious.

^^^ I just found out a couple nights ago that they are distant relatives and actually are related.

woahh, whats up dude, one minute you’re cool, the next you get all weird like this. Ban me eh, well wow what a good reason too, because i was being irrelevant.

If you must know, go look at the “AVATARS” thread, see Rabbit asking me about my bike, you’ll also see i ignore him there, among other threads, if you really want to ban someone maby it should be him for going off topic asking me about my bike, but i like Rabbit he seems cool, so yea he shouldn’t get banned.

you see my point, you are just being weird about all of this, let me just say, if i can’t really say anything on here witout being snabbed at, i really do think things will get worse on here for me and others.

I mean what is it, did you become and administrator so you could bully me on-line, well i won’t let you get that satisfaction. As for this thread you made, one its witout my consent thats a rule YOU have broken, two, i really find it offensive, three i sure as heck will discuss this with ZEP.

you have the right to delete posts and all, but unlike other admins you don’t even post a warning you just delete and create new posts add funny tittles to threads about a person.:{

Dude did you ever think maybe its not the bike owners or the civic owners but maybe that Nissan owners have swollen heads.

and btw i hate civics. And my cousins likes them that dosen’t mean i should hate his gutts, or reffer him to a certain mentality.

I only replied to Rabbit and " DIDN’T WANT TO CREATE A SPECIAL THREAD ABOUT ME AND MY BIKE" i didn’t want to piss anyone off and feel special so i posted up my pics on that thread about the 4 best pics of your whip.So Rabbit could get his answer there.

If i was really rambling about my two wheels, i would have added pics and posts eaons ago.

people. can we please stop all this shit. just to fair, every single one of us has been guilty of going off-topic but never get in any trouble for it. why cant the same leniency be extended to everyone else on this forums. this is just the internet for godsake. before anyone does anything here or say anything take the time to think about how would you feel if it was you on the receiving end.

Your not the only one so no worries, I’ve noticed it a lot on forums lately that there is always a bike rider who talks to much. I know someone from school who was like that, I love bikes and was actually gonna get one but I’m not allowed. damn mothers :P.

The reason I compared it to a Civic is because the guys im talking about have this mentality…why buy a car when I can buy a <$10 000 bike and walk everything. Reminds me of a $500 civic with a $2000 super Vtech engine swap and he’s all happy because he owns the road :expressionless:

Nice bike btw, do you stunt or track?

^lets get bikes for the summer. im sure you can hide yours somewhere so that your mom wont see.

Hey, man i really appreciate what you said, means alot. thanks +1

I stunt and track, i really think stunting meshes well with tracking, stunting gives skill, and a ability to handel the bike in awkward ways, so when it comes to the tracking i can be confident. so yea, i do both, my bike is for that reason street tuned and not agressively stunted out or tracked out.

you are truely right about that, let me just tell you, one, once you get a bike you’ll understand its like becomming the president of a country, lol you want everyone to know, but im really really mellow about my bike compared to others.

Second the guys your are describing are like our version of ricers, they talk, and talk, and think they have a big ding dong. Its like a soldeir with a gun and a geek with a gun, both act hard behind the weapon, but one s.hits his pants with out it, you know what i mean, so those guys you are seeing are just major show offs.

Im cool with people, when i come to a meet or something this summer, i’ll probably let people ride my bike or teach them.

hehehe, i know you were being sarcastic, but i actually did that for 2 years before my mom went back to california and i lived with my uncle.

Man you have no idea my mom can’t stand bikes she flipped on me when I told her I need the car to pick up my pocket bike…a pocket bike and she went nuts. But I have ridden 50cc-250cc dirt bikes here and there but if I am ever caught on a street bike she told me I would have to find another place to live.

Turbocharged Snowmobiles Booooooomb a lil off topic but stilll boooooooooooom lmfao

^^^ yea dude, we need to be careful or someone might get banned for going off-topic,lol…jks.

how about we just all get along. so ismo try to be more respectful of what others say and try no to sound to arrogant or whatever on your post. pete just try to let things slide from time to time. i know how being away from dan for an extended period usually gets you cranky. lol

you reply to my pic and say nothing? wired…