Im sure the more idiotic of our society dont always chose the staging ram as their choice of frantic ambulation, but its hard to miss them when they choose to act out. I dont know if its because they are the cheaper of the big three brands or if its the inbreeding redneck targeting “that thang got a hemi” attitude but it appears to me, Alberta specific mind you, that there is no better vehicle in which it is more cost effective to portray your social depravity than in a 6 inch lifted, 4 inch exhaust tipped, calvin peeing on Ford (chev, toyota, nissan, jeep, your grandmother, etc.) Dodge. I wish there was some other brand that could share my disdain but alas, there is none. So the next time they blow by you in the merge lane just to they have the opportunity to show you the tire they can leave on the pavement before they hit the car that was only 2 lengths in front of you to begin with, be sure to return the one finger salute appropriate to the driver in thanks for obviously driving on what can only be their own personal private road.
Thank you very much for the space to rant.