RANT: Americans are retarded

I thought this was funny.

So I’m on a Nissan truck site which has mostly ppl from the states on it, although there are mods and alot of active members from Canada.

I send this guy from N. Cali a pm about a part he has for sale and this is what i get back.


His reply

How retarded do you have to be…GO BACK TO GRADE 5 and learn that there is more to the world than your great 50 states!

Where is alberta?

I had this exact conversation with a girl when I was Texas.
the girl “where is Alberta”?
My reply: “Right above Montana”
The girl “OH so out east then”.

I’m not even going to get started on this subject cuz I will rant for a few hours. They piss me off and it seems the further south you go the stupider they are. Nothing but inbred retards that can’t speak english properly.

My wife was working in Waterton National Park, in Southern Alberta, and she had an idiot ask her how to get to Alberta from there. Then proceeded to argue with her that waterton was in Canada and they were looking for Alberta. Duhhhhhrrrrrr

I love American rants, they give me a good chuckle.