Dumb Blonde Bitch

HAHA she is so stuck up and power hungry…

and “i think theres a lot of dog sledding in canada”
HAHAHAHA americans say some funny shit sometimes.

Wow people need to pull their heads from there ass.

He can shove that bow tie up his ass!!! :finga: 3rd rate country?? lol A Billion dollars a day in sales Canada sells to the US!!

That shows exactly why I have no regards for Americans…their little endeavors or their policy on terrorism, the “Western Hemisphere security initiative” what the hell is that? There’s other nicer places to visit in the world other than the U S and A…well…superpowers do fall eventually…what a whining bunch of little school girls they have in that country…

i love talking to americans they make me feel SMRT

Ya this is pretty much the same thing she just said, not all americans share her opinion on us.

Lol, that girl is hilarious, soo funny. The guy with the bowtie on the other hand, is plainly…a douche. :finga:

I saw this clip a couple years ago

There is another one out there with some canadian who feels the same way about the US

Its actually pretty funny

This is ancient.

Ann Coulter is the dumbest bitch ever…

You know I think the replies in this post almost mirror the ignorance that is shown by this “american attitute”

300million ppl…there’s bound to be a bunch of idiots…that doesn’t account for everyone of them though.


Exactly. Ann Coulter (the dumb blonde) is definitely the most ignorant person on the planet though. Even if she was Canadian she’d be an effin idiot.