fuck Ann Coulter

she really has no class…



she is a bitch


I agree, fuck canada :D:D:D

At least the bitch knows whos boss… :smackahoe:

hahahahaha i thought it was funny as hell. canada is hondurus with cold weather… hehehe.

haha, no we’re not out of step bitch. The rest of the world is out of step.

i hit it, lol.

Ann Coulter rocks!

I’d hit it

ud hit anything that gave u the chance :hitit:

Ann Coulter is a worthless cunt who’s entire career exists solely on the shock value comments she makes. Give me a spoon and a couple of fluffers hot enough for me to obtain an eretion in the prescense of Coulter and i’d make love to her eye socket like a NAMBLA member at a boyscout sleepover.

why did i just waste precious minutes of my morning watching that dumb blonde talk about stuff she has no idea of? she just basically sounds like a racist saying to get rid of canada except for the ski resorts.

i would just end her life by pushing her off one of the mountains at those ski resorts that she looks so highly on…:slap:

…because ShalerPunk was all menstrual about it and offered it up here. So we all get to enjoy…


ya, your right :hitit:
she is a bitch tho, i’d stick it in her butt and pee :sex:

he does have a point though. Thats clip doesnt really do justice how much of a brood-mare for the right wing she is.