Not a nissan but damn PIMP

F650…Who wants shot gun?

Week sauce, what a little truck. lol. There was an F-350 I saw a couple weeks ago that I could park my car under.

jesus…how big can your penis get?

can the general public buy an F-650?

:lol: :lol:

These guys all have 2 things in common…they drive POS Fords and all have small peepees, with maybe the exeption of shaq…He is black after all.

I take your Skylines inline 6 and raise you a F-650 inline 7.2L CAT hahaha:

You can buy authentic train horns for these things…$900 later.

Id take (EDIT: fly, nice wing) this bitch to grad:

Fuck do I ever hate big SUVs…

the front is massive and the rear is tiny like a regular box and tailgate which is funny … it cant fit that much stuff in the box really which is sad for its size …

Well at least they added some extra fuel storage so you can drive to work and back on one fill…

I saw a supercrewzer version the other weekend when I went to Jasper pulling a gaint 5th wheel with Cali plates. Just think of the amount of fuel the guy used to get here.

it is crazy …but there is some tuned cars in town here that use the same amount of more expensive fuel$ and could never haul what these trucks can …

what exactly is the point of this monstrosity?


its a drift car :lol:

Fuckin eh a Cat C7!!! No thats a motor!!! lol