The Road Rage thread.

First off, I would like to say that yes, I’m aware that road rage isn’t cool, nor is it something to brag about. I also am not condoning it. So with that said, here’s the road rage thread. Yay.

So, as some of you might already know, or not know, I have a very large hatred for full size pick-up trucks, because I was rear-ended by one. Mostly Ford f-250’s. I’ll hate a f150 here and there too though. Chevy’s and Dodge’s, not so much, because I never really notice them driving like complete fucking douchebags. And I’m sorry if you’re trying to make up for your dick size, but that doesn’t mean you’re the king of the road.

So anyway, I’m taking a nice drive home, rockin’ my mom’s jeep, driving in the left lane, because I’m passing people like a mofo. I’m going about 5-10 over the speed limit. Again, I don’t condone speeding either, but sorry, I love to speed. But anyway, back to the story…

So I take a peak in my rear view, and what do I see? I see a huge mother fucking pickup truck on my ass. Like, riding so close, if anything would have happened, he woulda touched my back bumper. The light we were approaching was red, so I started so slow down nervously, because, I’m not about to get rear ended again. As I was approaching the light, it turned green, so I stomped on it, trying to get out of the way of this dude. I get way ahead of him, and get into the right lane. But of course, there was this slow ass PT cruiser, so I get back into the left lane to pass that guy. When I look back in my mirror, dudebro was back.

I could NOT get away from this dude. And now we’re getting into some more traffic up ahead, and there was no room for me to get into the right lane. But this dude did not give a shit, and still continued to ride my ass like if I was in a smaller car, he would just drive right over me. Now we’re coming into town where the speed limit drops from 55 to 40. I look and I’m still going around 50-55, because this dude wouldn’t get the fuck away from me. I was scared to slow down. Then all of a sudden, he passes me in the median/turning lane, and cuts me off so bad to the point that I had to slam on my brakes in order to not hit him.

So what did I do?

I rode his ass through the entire stretch of Derby, laying on the horn. Fuck you, dude. Fuck you.

Cliffs: I won.
oh, and inb4someonesayspms. nope.

Come on boys, tell me what you got.

everything u post is so hateful, u need to start smoking tree n chill out lol

How did you win?

oh n when ppl ride my ass like that, i slam on the brakes so all 4 lock up, and if they hit me, they hit me

Fuck that. I’m not into getting rear ended.
(lol that’s what she said.)

I don’t know how I won. I just was obnoxious as fuck. I’m so good at it.

And… Hating > Smoking Weed.

Because riding his ass makes it all better right? An if he would have jacked on his brakes and you rear-ended him, it would have been your fault. The cops would have felt no sympathy for you.

Like your mommy taught you… “Two wrongs don’t make a right” :nono:

Maybe next time you could just be the bigger person and grow up…

I’m not saying what I did was the grown up thing to do. I was fucking pissed. ROAD RAGEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

You can be pissed… But sometimes you just have to stop and think… That person will EVENTUALLY get what is coming to them. Karma is a bitch…

Yeah I get pretty frustrated when shit like that happens, but I just don’t change my driving, if they rear end me, its their problem (and maybe mine), but I won’t brake check, and I won’t do anything to provoke. I will give them a nice stare though if given the chance.

I dislike when people go 5-15 mph UNDER the speed limit, it’s frustrating and happens all the fucking time.

Eh… usually I let people go.
Figure they’ll get whats coming to them eventually.

Except for the annoying fuckers driving the speedlimit, or slightly over staying in the left lane on the thruway.
Supposed to keep right, correct?
Not, keep left.

I mean, granted it must be nice… driving 65 in a lane where people normally are doing 75-80…
Never have to bother changing lanes to pass anyone.
But really.
Fuck off.

Yeah, I don’t brake check either. Eff that noise.

I fucking hate you so much it’s ridiculous. You give me forum rage, every, time.

Go take your boobs elsewhere.

Is it bad that I laughed really hard at that response? <3

Why do people get so anxious and irritated when they’re driving? Just chill out. Who cares if the guy is riding you?

PTSD lollllzz

ps. It’s super fun to honk the horn. The e30 doesn’t have one so I had to get my fix in.

I heart brakechecking

I have found a interesting way to get people to back off. just maintain you normal driving but with your left foot tap the brake. chances are if they are that close they cannot see around you and when you tap your brake (just enough to turn the lights on) they back off instantly. Only problem is they keep coming right back onto your rear end. I have only ever brake checked one person in my life. I was in my saturn threw it into second gear on the highway and yanked the hand brake as hard as I could so there would be no brake lights. I do not now HOW this guy didn’t hit me because that was my intent, but never again I say. He slowed and was out of sight. Probably to change his underwear

You’re smokin the wrong weed then lmao. Alas…I don’t smoke anymore :frowning:

If they hit you from behind, it’s their fault for driving too close. Just hit the brakes and let their insurance worry about it.

Waffles…fucking amazing.

Too bad you didnt live in canada. If someone brake checks you, its considered “stunt driving” under the street racing law. They basically lose their car, car gets impounded, the the driver faces a fine of up to $10,000.

I had some dick go bizzerk on me because I wouldnt let him cut in front of me which would cause me to slam my brakes. First off, I didnt even see his turn signal light because my a-pillar was blocking me from seeing his turn signal light. Then he decided to try to cut in front of me, but since i drive a piece of shit, I didnt care and kept driving (plus according to the law, I have the right of way and have no obligation to let him cut in front of me).

So dummy starts losing it, instead of slowing down and merging in the space behind me. I pay no attention to him, play with the radio a bit, check my email on my phone while sitting at the light. All the while numnuts is blowing his top beside me. So then we come up to a curve where I know that the left lane gets blocked with traffic turning left, so I make sure that Im in the middle lane, he jumps to the left lane unknowingly of the traffic he is about to get stuck in.

We turn the corner, he looks up…sees the traffic at the last minute (because hes too busy trying to get me to step out of my car) and slams his brakes lol. I heard some horn honking but didnt see if he hit anyone. I laughed all the way home :smiley: