The Road Rage thread.

This topic is giving me road rage.


For some reason I just dont get road rage… I guess I look at bad obnoxious drivers like people with retardations they cant help… kinda like I look at most nyspeeders.

If i wasnt so lazy i would make a thread about the fucking dumb broad going 10 under the speed limit that i was stuck behind who then proceeded to get behind me and beep like a moron.

Letting a tailgater get the best of me is what almost took my life.

When someone is riding my ass I prefer to just let off the gas, gradually slow way down, then speed back up. If they don’t get the message, repeat. This works best in a high-traffic situation where they can’t pass at all. I always drive OVER the speed limit and I don’t hog the left lane, so there is to reason to tailgate me.

I too used to brake check. Once I locked em up and shot off onto a side road when some Z24 was so close I couldn’t see his lights in my mirror. How he didn’t hit me I’ll never know, but he looked pretty pissed. I once got a Town Car behind me to do a little fishtailing too. I don’t do that anymore- not worth it.

You’re right, it’s not.

Pics of dawns ass not found!

My car has rear fog lights, which i had never even heard of until i got this car. The only time i’ve ever found a use for them is when someone is riding my ass. When I turn them on, they give the appearance that i’m pressing my brakes. People generally always back off, expecting that i’m slowing down to turn or something. Haha i can only imagine how confused or frustrated they get after about a mile of my “brake lights” being on.
It’s like brake checking without the danger.

Why didn’t you just get out of the way so he could continue at the speed he wanted to go? It’s the left lane… highways or not, it’s supposed to be the passing lane.

I see you at 100% fault on this one for it escalating. Of course, he was also a tool for passing you in the median lane. I see people do that all the time when people in front of them want to be the Speed Police as my dad used to say. “These fucking old men in the left lane on the thruway want to control everyone and be the speed police! Move the F#@*)( over!” he used to say all the time! It was funny, yet true. Passive Aggressive people suck at driving (Dawn.)

“It’s OK if I speed but if the guy behind me wants to go faster than me, WHAT A FUCKING DICK! I’m going to fuck with him!”


Sorry Dawn, I like you… but… geez.


except the last part.

That’s it. I’m going out to drive in the left lane at 15-under and piss a bunch of people off.

See you all in hell

i just like to box people in.
Like on rt5 where its 2lane 40mph or whatever once u get to like st francis, and im usually going 45mph, there will always be some faggot who HAS to get somewhere(heading towards derby, theres nothing fucking out there that would require massive speedz) and is going 55mph+, so i just cruise along side the person in the right lane, just slightly ahead, so it doesnt look like im boxing them in, even though they know i am

fun times



Screw both of you. You’re going to cause an accident 10 cars back in the “train” you create and never know except when you watch the news that night and say “wow, there are a lot of bad drivers out there…” and YOU caused it!


Im not doing anything illegal, im not going to drive 75mph to pass someone so that someone else can pass me

Get over when possible. I’m sure you don’t just to be a dick… just like every other passive aggressive retard at rush hour who causes a road train of vehicles bound for 50 mph destruction.

May I remind everyone that exceeding the posted speed limit is not legal, even while passing another vehicle.

That is all.

I definetly would have loved getting out of the way, but as I stated in the original post, I could not get over into the right lane because of traffic.

i drove an f250 diesel from va to here and back last week to scoop my m3. shit was nice, 20mpg towing, huge brakes, etc
