Road rage at it's finest (long read)

Instead of going to the parade, I decided to go into work for a while and get a head start for this week as we got a lot on our plates right now. So 5 hours or so later on the ride home I’m cruising southbound on 5 heading towards the old steel plant. The road was pretty open, no real traffic and I’m doing a steady 70mph… nothing crazy.

a bit ahead I spot two cars driving at pretty much the same speed limit… one in the driving lane, sitting about a car length or two behind the other which was obviously in the passing lane. So I downshift to slow the car down closer to the speed limit and slowly start closing in (figured the car would pass by the time I got up on them).

Well, as I get closer, the car in the passing lane doesn’t appear to be going any faster than the speed limit (God that shit pisses me off) but as luck would have it, the car on the right starts slowing down for an exit. I gave it a few seconds and realized the douche bag in the passing lane wasn’t going to move over so I changed lanes and passed him on the right.

A few mins. later as the expressway was about to end and the speed limit about to drop, I approach some fairly thick traffic and slow the car down again to about 30mph (about the pace of traffic at that point). I lit a cigarette and glanced in my rear view to see said jerkoff a few lengths back and he’s flipping me off. I laugh and return the gesture to which he responded with the universal sign of “I’m gonna beat you up”… ya know, punching the inside of your other hand. I laughed, shook my head and turned my attention back to the road just in time for traffic to start flowing again.

As I’m waiting for the SUV in front of me to start speeding up I look over and dick head is now in the driving lane (thats all it took?) and about 2 inches off the rear bumper of the truck thats sitting next to, and slightly forward of, myself. I had my radio up along with the windows and see this guy, face red as hell, from what I assume, yelling all kinds of profanities at me :lol: I started laughing and blew him a kiss just as it was my turn in line to start accelerating.

He ended up getting stuck in traffic but boy was he trying to get closer to me… saw him switch lanes through the rear view about a dozen times, but nobody moved out of his way. Oh the Irony :rofl:

Damn GTO drivers!!!


Must be that patriotic banner on the side making him all emotional. :slight_smile:

haha i love when people get like that. i do the SAME exact thing and blow them a kiss, they get WAY more pist when u do that :lol:

I smile and wave. But i might adopt the kiss blowing.

hmm, so let me get this straight.

you came flying up on a vehicle doing the speed limit, so you decided to downshift.:confused: then you tailgated waiting for him to move out of your way, and when you saw he wasnt moving you went flying around him in the right lane and cut him back off in the left lane.

I have no idea why he would of been upset. Seems like you were totally in the right the whole time. everyone should treat thruway driving on st pattys weekend like nascar.


hmm, so let me get this straight.

you came flying up on a vehicle doing the speed limit, so you decided to downshift.:confused: then you tailgated waiting for him to move out of your way, and when you saw he wasnt moving you went flying around him in the right lane and cut him back off in the left lane.

I have no idea why he would of been upset. Seems like you were totally in the right the whole time. everyone should treat thruway driving on st pattys weekend like nascar.


actually I never got within 10 car length of him :wink: nor did I “fly by” him

edit: and st.pattys day or not, you shouldnt drink and drive

Quite true, but that doesnt mean plenty of other people arent. My car stayed safely parked all weekend.


cut him back off in the left lane.


Where did you read that part?

Serious question: Was he driving a blue pick-up truck?!!?!


Serious question: Was he driving a blue pick-up truck?!!?!


no… it was a late 80’s-early 90’s buick or olds mobile or something similar


haha i love when people get like that. i do the SAME exact thing and blow them a kiss, they get WAY more pist when u do that :lol:


x3 its way better then flipping them off