extreme tailgating

how do you deal with it?

Im pretty use to it, I drive the speed limit ect.
Tonight I’m leaving dinner, driving. I just got to 40mph and some asshat flys up behind me going atleast 10 over, and has the nerve to lay on the horn.
So I do what anyone else would do in that situation, I laugh and shoot them the bird out the window. Wouldnt you?

So Mr. asshat decides it would be cute to continue to drive 2 inches from my bumper while we go the speedlimit.
Single lane double yellow, YOUR NOW MY SLAVE!
So Inorder to remove them from my back bumper, I throw a little bit of brakes at the car, they jump on the brakes, and decide the high beams are a wise option.

Well they would be, except i drive with my mirror up at night, so it didnt bother me at all.

Meanwhile asshole in thier car begans flashing thier highbeams at me, and tailgating me again. Thinking they were intimiating I guess? I know they wouldnt want me stepping out of the car, it would be like hightower from police academy fighting an infant.

Anyways I drop pace down to 40mph, as I said they are my slave.
they get probably a solid 6 - 8 inches from my bumper, and I SLAM on the brakes. Civics stop FAST. right at the last second I stab the gas to not get rear ended, you know and totally ruin thier nights like I should have.
Thistime, they hang atleast 4 car lengths back and turn off into an undisclosed location.

Cliffnotes. don’t drive like an asshole, the wrong person might have let you rear end them and sued you.

Sorry for the long read, how do you handle situations like this?

last time i got in this situation we got out of our cars and almost got into a fist fight in the intersection of Reserve and Union in west seneca.

And then I almost got throw in jail

So you were the asshole driving the speed limit the other night.


OT: Fuck em… let em get pissed. If someone tailgates me i’ll do the exact same thing… drop the speed to the posted limit and apply brakes as necessary, all with a BIG smile on my face.

Hahaha yeah man insurance is ridiculous, I pay more a year then my cars worth, theres no way I can afford to get a ticket.
I was laughing the whole time, I guess part of me expected the back window to explode with gun fire.

I deal with this all the time, i can’t afford to get any tickets either i was paying 3k a year isurance on my e36 last year. I say fuck em too, i always think to myself if i pick up speed and get the ticket that douche behind me is not gonna pay my fines. Kudos to you.

hey be nice to my civic!!! when you gonna sell that back to me?

if you want it back we can talk. I’ve got a ton of stuff for it.

hit me up on AIM

I’m more sick of the people in Buicks, Caddys and Lincolns driving 5-10 UNDER the speed limit on a one lane, double yellow, winding, curvy, 5 mile stretch.

It’s like a train of cars behind us and 2 miles of free road ahead and he doesn’t think “hmmm… maybe I better speed up.”

He’s probably so old he can’t even see, never even looks in his rear mirror and his white haired wife is sitting next to him clueless as well!

Drive the speed limit, I’ll just pass you. Drive 10 under and I’ll want you to run yourself off the road…

Brake checking is a bunch of bullshit. If someone is tailgating I just set the cruise to the speed I am doing and leave it there.

meh, Not passing on the double yellow is for sissys

rear fog FTW!

I am all for brake checking if I am going the speed limit and someone feels the need to try to get as close as possible to me. So yeah, I think that you were completely justified to react in the manner that you did.

i would have used the e brake hard, wont slow you down in a BIG hurry but they wont see brake lights. Im really not one to brake check people but if they are soo close i cant see their headlights then that is not cool. If there was some guy driving really slow, instead of playing games with them, i would prolly just pass them, possibly even on a double yellow if it wasnt in the middle of town or somthing.

Most well-thought-out/written Just Karter post I have ever read.

Yeah brake checks are a bad idea. Granted I probably would have done the same, but bad idea.

Another thing that works is to progressively drive slower and slower, going way under the speed limit if necessary, and watch them get angrier and angrier until they explode in a fit of rage and… pass you. As if the sound of their stock 4 cylinder at redline is some form of revenge. :shrug:

Passive aggressive people are so fun to fuck with.

I think extreme tailgating is simply aggressive, not passive aggressive.

Passive aggressive is more like:

Hey honey, do you wanna go to the movies?
I don’t care. Let’s do whatever you want to do. That’s usually what we do.

Which is WAY more annoying. I never knew what passive aggressive behavior was really like until I dated this one broad that fit it to a T.

Yeah you’re right. It just seems like most road-raging types are the types that don’t have the balls stand up for themselves when they’re not safely behind the wheel.

I think that’s another term…

Like fggt aggressive.

Heres a question.Did you just pull out of a driveway in front of them and not get up to the speed limit in time? I hate that.People should wait the extra second so i dont have to stab my brakes.

lol @ fggt-agressive

That’s honestly never happened to me. Not sure what I would do.