that I’m never as brain dead as most of my customers. They are coming out of the woodwork today.
edit: and its not even 11 yet
that I’m never as brain dead as most of my customers. They are coming out of the woodwork today.
edit: and its not even 11 yet
I haven’t even been there yet.:biglaugh:
you dont hold a candle to these people man. seriously. you dont happen to need a sales guy do ya? :lol:
How do you feel about traveling?
Disclaimer - there are stupid people in every industry, including mine.
guy calls up:
“yea, i got a phone from you awhile back, an LG”
“ok, whats goin on?”
“I’m hoping you can help me i cant get rid of this message, i’ve tried everything”
“ok, whats going on?”
“i cant get this message off the screen, it says number 86”
“i’m not sure i understand you sir…”
“i have this message on the screen that i can get rid of that says voice mailbox and number 86”
“try pressing the red end key?”
“o man, thank you that worked…wait, it came back again. everytime i press the 1 button it comes back.”
“yea that would be your speed dial sir…”
a few moments pass as a dim bulb brightens…
lol, if someone else is paying for it, i love traveling.
Stupidity abounds when you deal with the masses of the world.
lol, if someone else is paying for it, i love traveling.
do it for more then 6 months and LMK
LOL Sometimes the only way to maintain faith in the general population is to avoid interacting with it…
Look at the bright side, the phone was at least turned on.
at least twice a week i get someone in here asking why there phone isnt working…
i dont even hesitate anymore. I put the phone down in front of them and press the power button. As it powers on its always, without fail “HOW’D YOU DO THAT???”
edit: i’ve even had people that have had their phone for 6+ months, come in asking why their phone doesnt call anyone. Turns out the store that sold it to them forgot to program it and they have just not used it/ paid for it since then…
Oh my…
I think what scares me the most, is that you aren’t even joking.
I love the general public for the most part. I need to start selling something like the pet rock.
lol, I’m not on the phones any more but i’ve had some good ones…
People trying to use dial up while on the phone with you, others being blown away that they can print without being on the internet
as if on cue, we just had the weekly “WHY THE HELL DO I HAVE TO PAY ANOTHER $50 IF I PAY FOR INSURANCE EACH MONTH?”
i wish i could :picard: people in real life.
I would rather be dealing with dumb people
But im stuck sitting inside and looking out at this sucks…
“whats the start button”
I had someone yesterday that could not find the start button. After telling her 7 + times to go down to the lower left, 15 minutes later she tells me “Oh silly me, I was looking on the right side of the screen”. :retard:
I would rather be dealing with dumb people
But im stuck sitting inside and looking out at this sucks…
complaining about a window view?
I share an office with ILC. The guy just sits there and rips farts the whole time he works. Its a seriously unhealthy amount of farting.
Windows? what are those? Not even my manager gets a window.
sounds like sarcasm to me… i don’t like windows anyway
edit: HOLY fucking sail boats out there though