I seriously hope ...

“what do you mean it costs 200 dollars to replace this broken phone? you guys gave it to me for free 3 months ago!!!”

my favorite call i ever got
customer: “my phone keeps freezing up on me”
me: “are you on the phone now?”
him: “no”
me: “ok, the first thing we are going to do is power cycle the phone”
him: “ok”
me: “without turning off the phone, take the back cover off and remove the battery”

dear justin,

Dear Justin,
we know you have a sweet job. you can shut up now.



I can’t complain since I chose my job, not forced upon me. But here is a lot of my standard rants at work

Me: How can I help you?

Customer: I need my WEP key.

Me: Ok just one moment.

… logged into router remotely, checked security, WEP not enabled.
Me: Sir why do you think you need this key?

Customer: Well I was told I need this sort of key thinger to get online.

Me: Have you tried opening Internet Explorer to get to your homepage?

Customer: OMG its working, you are a life saver!!!


Customer: 10 minutes of pissing and moaning about previous techs not fixing his issue, then saying its our network’s reason he can’t get online.

Me: Can you press the Internet on/off button on the modem sir?

Customer: 10 minutes more of pissing and moaning about how he never pressed that button that it magically came on and that he shouldn’t have to press it.


“what do you mean it costs 200 dollars to replace this broken phone? you guys gave it to me for free 3 months ago!!!”

my favorite call i ever got
customer: “my phone keeps freezing up on me”
me: “are you on the phone now?”
him: “no”
me: “ok, the first thing we are going to do is power cycle the phone”
him: “ok”
me: “without turning off the phone, take the back cover off and remove the battery”




Dear Justin,
we know you have a sweet job. you can shut up now.




Dear Jeff

Not so much


We had a customer call a few weeks ago wanting to put a blow off valve on his NA car.

After i explained to him what a BOV does, he got a little upset. He then inquired about something that would make the noise without a bov. I almost felt bad.


:picard: i’m so happy about this smiley. i wish i could use it in real life.

Way back from the localnet days

Me “Ma’am do you have a firewall on your PC?”

Lady “It is a old house so I’m sure I have one”


as if on cue, we just had the weekly “WHY THE HELL DO I HAVE TO PAY ANOTHER $50 IF I PAY FOR INSURANCE EACH MONTH?”


Sell them your store’s policy then and not Verizons.

I have nothing to add to this thread because I hate people too much to work with them all day.

on more then one occasion. wait u have to put a satellite in? wwell mam it is direct tv. or " why do u have to run cables to the recievers? well sir how would u get signal i thought it was wireless. service calls were the best yea “this shitty system stopped working for no reason” did you move anything around? "no i dont know what that stuff does. meanwhile the satellite feed line is going right into the tv. or my favorite when the customer gets a searching for satellite signal message so they go out and move the dish 180 degrees the other way.


Sell them your store’s policy then and not Verizons.

I have nothing to add to this thread because I hate people too much to work with them all day.


only available on brand new phones :frowning:

is there a full moon today? that was seriously my second time today a customer came in, said my phone shit the bed.

i press the power button it turns on.


edit: the best part is, that wasnt his first time in for this issue…


I once had to take a screenprint of excel, drop it into paint and draw colored arrows to the tabs and email the picture out…why? because the lady on the phone for 15 minutes, a bank employee, couldnt find “these tab thingys you keep talking about on the call, sheet1 and sheet2?”

Yeah the cupholder thing on my PC broke.

Sadly I got this call twice when doing tech support for Sony.

That and I tried getting your disk to fit in the drive by cutting it, and now I can’t get it to eject, you owe me a new one!


Q: What do you see on your desktop?
A: A few pens, and my clicker (mouse)… but what does that have to do with my issue.


That and I tried getting your disk to fit in the drive by cutting it, and now I can’t get it to eject, you owe me a new one!


deep fried christ on a stick, i just burst out laughing in the store. people are looking at me weird.

Dial-up users just aren’t that bright. :shrug:

That said I can think of a few things that would top this easily.


Dial-up users just aren’t that bright. :shrug:

That said I can think of a few things that would top this easily.


now try to be polite and tell them it happens all the time, all while not laughing in their face.

o and im tired of people not being able to remember their cell phone number too. you use the excuse that you never call yourself, yet you can rattle off your home phone number no problem?



Dial-up users just aren’t that bright. :shrug:

That said I can think of a few things that would top this easily.


Please do tell…


Please do tell…

