I hate people who ask for help, but insist they know how to fix it

I am a computer guy. I see it all the time. I get a ticket to fix something and the know it all with the problem argues with me that he knows what the problem is and how to fix it. THEN WHY THE FUCK DID YOU CALL ME???

This guy is on an un-supported pc, the pc doesn’t even belong to us, so who know what the fuck it is configured to. Problem #1.

He let his active directory ID die, from not using it, over a YEAR ago. WHY NOT CALL US LAST YEAR??? Problem #2

Insists that his VPN software, from his agency, again something we don’t support, SHOULD allow internet access… but wont turn it off for me to properly troubleshoot OUR network! Problem #3

Keeps insisting that it is a group policy issue. Group policy has NOTHING to do with it, since his pc isn’t even on our network to RECEIVE A GROUP POLICY! Problem #4

Keeps refusing to do what I tell him, because he “knows that’s not the problem.” I can tell he is getting bent at me, because he keeps asking me to send him to another group. I explained to him that my job is to pass issues on once I KNOW the problem can be fixed by that group. My job is to find the problem, and fix it if I have the access to… if no pass it on to the group that specializes in each aspect of a network.

Fucking 5 days I have been at this. I had a coworker authenticate on his machine over our proxy and they still couldn’t get to the interwebz… but he insisted that he needs his ID created (exactly like his co-worker’s that failed)… so we waited the 3 business days to get that created, guess what… JUST TO HAVE IT NOT WORK EITHER!!!

I love my job! I love my job! How about you, do you have people asking you for help, but act like they know how to do it themselves?


I’m level 2 support here (I’m in IT as well), but I deal with this nonsense all the time even after the ticket gets passed up.

Yeah. That sounds like when I used to work at a photo lab. EVERYONE knows how to take pictures. But when there messed up, theres no way it was their fault, cause they know what they’re doing…

i got that a lot when i used to work at sears. people would see me getting my large hammer and start bashing something under their car. they’d come out screaming :eek WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO MY CAR?!? then i would stop, give THEM the hammer and tell them “Okay, since YOU apparently know more than i do on how to fix this, by all means go ahead. what would i know, im just a tech” which would be met by a bunch of "uhhh, welll… um… ok, keep doing it then"s.:retardclap hate it when people stare at you when you’re trying to work. i dont go to your job and stare at you all day, do i? no? then leave me alone!:shifty

This is why I’m so happy to not be in any sort of customer service related job anymore.

Somewhat back on topic though: I’m not computer illiterate, I’ll try to fix a lot of my own problems before asking for help. However, since I started my job here, they have given me a laptop, and one of the guys in IT is a good friend of mine. This has made me extremely lazy. To the point where I don’t call support, I call him directly with “My computer sucks, come fix it.” :rofl

HEHE… I love being that go to guy for hotties with computer issues! I remember a girl I helped in GE. she sounded hot on the phone, and was fun to deal with. We chatted a bunch of times after the issue resolved, so I figured I should go meet her. I sent a “spy” out to go see if she was a cow first, and got the call back “its a go man!”… so I grabbed the next ticket that was in her building and pretended to walk by and say, ohh I recognized your name, I am Mike I helped you with… blah… It was cool for a while, then she began stalking me, alot… our office was out in a building way in the back of the Schenectady GE lot, and she would come over ALL the time! Ohh and she was like 10 years older than me! LOL

In all actuality, the complete computer noobs are 200 times easier to help, because guess what… THEY BACK OFF AN LET YOU DO YOUR JOB! Who would have guessed it?

We have a list of people who are the “ohh shit not them again” types. 90% of these people are IT “admins” over a groups of normal office people.

OMG don’t even get me started. There is nothing that makes me more angry than talking with another “IT Specialist” that knows jack SHIT. I tend to actually argue with them because most of the time they are so dumb.

Tell me about it, shit… when I was as tire and lube jockey, I’d get that all the time. I had just gotten done changing four tires on a truck, and my boss started to lower the lift. Without missing a beat the owner shouts from over the fence… “aren’t you going to torque it?!” in a real pissed off tone… while the vehicle was still two feet in the air…

I’m not in IT (ok, maybe I am a little bit), but I deal with similar problems with my users.

One of the websites I run has a “forgot password” link that when clicked instructs the user to check their email (even tells them which email to check) for their temp password.

At least once a week we get a call that goes something like:

Them: “Hi, I forgot my password, so I clicked the link. But my password still doesn’t work.”
Me: “How long ago did you click the link? Sometimes the email takes a few minutes to get to you.”
Them: “Ohh, I’m supposed to check my email?”
Me: “Yes, the message box instructs you to do so.”
Them: “Well, which email? I have several.”
Me: /facepalm “Please click the link again and then check the email that is displayed in the message box.”
Them: “Can’t you just reset it from there?”
Me: “No.” (Actually, I can.)
-Short Pause-
Them :“Ok, I got it now.”

I’ve learned that message boxes are totally useless for instructing a user.

I have a bunch of girls like that lol.

  • f’in 1 man.

I have 3 girls who are pretty damn attractive who dont’ call the helpdesk (cause they seem to always get this one helpdesk ‘tech’ who is not all there).

I agree about the people who don’t know jack being easier to help.

Make them bold and red. Underline and italics too.

We do. I even brought the idea of cow prods installed into the office chairs up to upper management.

Still wouldnt work. Or they will just ignor it. We need interactive webpages and workstations. So I can press the “Kick user in the nutts” key.

I just got one a few minutes ago. For a website coming up with a crazy Welcome to Apache Web Server thing. the website is down. I told her to call the webmaster. She said well it worked from home last night. It could have worked 5 minutes ago, but it doesnt now! call the webmaster!

lol. Haha.

We have a similar thing on our remote access web page. Our security guy is a little hell bent on control…so he has like 10 different links for remote access depending on which department you work in…always have to show people the right one to use. Pisses me off sometimes.

Did you say the website is down?

Watch all of it lol.

Well this isnt a computer BUT this whole thread reminded me of a time a customer came to my shop and wanted me to look at something that broke in the rear end, which ended up being the sway bar on an old chevy celebrity. Well they guy asks me to bring the car down a little because he had something that he wanted me to fix it with… so i let the car back down and looked into the back seat and there is nothing. I asked this gentlemen what he had he said it was a green post, you know those metal green posts that you stab into the ground with all the little hooks for wire fencing. The guy asked me if I could either tie it in where the broken sway bar was or weld it in. Now just Imagine me standing there with this green post in my hand with the most dumbfounded look on my face. To just say sorry sir that is something I just cant do.

To combat the ‘retards that don’t read’ problem we have started asking them if any message boxes have come up, and if one did, asking if they read it. If they say no (or we believe that they didn’t, even if they say they did) we tell them to try it again and slow down. Some of the really lazy ones have started reading the boxes before coming to us (since they don’t want to walk across the building twice).

Sorta works. There are still consistent morons tho.

ROFL. I just got this e-mail back for the webmaster!!!
This is the reply!

First of all, as a taxpayer, I don’t believe that I, or any taxpayer,
should have to pay state employees to surf the web on taxpayer time.
Secondly, none of you have a subscription to my business. And I am in business, I don’t work 10 to 12 hours a day for nothing just to entertain individuals or because it’s my “hobby”. The fact that my website is available to subscribers only after a “first visit”, a trial so to speak, is conspicously posted and there have been several separate articles on it. As state employees, I would assume that most of you have basic reading comprehension. Is there something about this notice you don’t understand? This notice is on the bottom of every news article, every commentary

SUBSCRIBE TODAY!!! Help keep The North Country Gazette on the Web and
stay informed too! First time visitors are welcome at no charge.
Thereafter, readers who wish to read additional articles or plan on returning at a later time will need to be an advertiser or have a paid subscription to the NCG Daily Digest in order to gain access. This policy will be strictly enforced.

The bottom line is, none of you have a paid subscription to The North Country Gazette and until you do, you will not have access to the site.
Like everyone else, I have a household to maintain, electric and telephone bills, food, insurances and heating oil and oh yeah, I have wehbosting costs and internet costs too.

So I don’t “see” anything. Those IPs are being purposely blocked and those and applicable ranges will continue to be blocked.

Publisher, North Country Gazette

> I worked with our PROXY team because we received a few calls about
> people getting error 403 forbidden. It looks like you may have a
> security setting on the Apache server blocking access by one of these two IP’s:
> ###.###.#.### or ###.#.#.###. Those two are our I-Port IPs, so all
> outgoing traffic from our network will hit your website via these ip
> addresses. We have had cases where sites had a rule set to block the
> site from a single IP address when it make 10+ connections from the
> same Ip address in under a minute. Or something like that.
> Please take a look, and reply back if you see something.
> Mike
> ________________________________
> This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential,
> privileged or otherwise legally protected. It is intended only for the
> addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who
> was not authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or
> otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments. Please notify the sender
> immediately by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.


I would have said the same thing. Hahaha.

Great reply. lol.