rude people/work rant

my work is usually really laid back, and i have to deal with people who are just plain stupid on a daily basis, and i usually have fun with it and i laugh at the angry people, but this guy just plain pissed me off. the phone rings and the followong conversation ensues between me and this fucktard on the other end:

‘hello the UPS Store with new low rates direct from UPS, how may i help you?’

‘yeah where are my fucking books? i ordered these books like 3 weeks ago and i still didnt get them what the fuck is going on here? i have a slip in my box but they’re not here’

‘ok, whats your mailbox number sir?’


‘umm are you sure you have the right UPS store? our mailbox numbers dont go that high’

‘no my mailbox at school. i live at Medille college its less than 6 miles from your store. so if i dotn get these books does that mean im fucked out of the money i spent? so im out all that money and im screwed now?’

‘do you have a tracking number for the package sir?’

‘no i dont have a fucking tracking number! i need these god damn books!’

‘ok, well then you need to call the place you bought it from and get a UPS tracking number’

‘well i dont have that do something!’

‘sir, unfortunately theres nothing i can do for you unless you can give me a tracking number, so you’d need to get that.’

‘you have to do something! im fucking failing out of college and i need these fucking books! WHERE ARE MY MOTHERFUCKING BOOKS!?’

‘without a truacking number i-’

‘you know what? fuck you! u can suck my fucking dick!’


its a good thing he hung up…also, its a good thing he called and didnt come in the store, cuz if he came in the store, hed be leaving though the front window. i was trying really realy hard to be polite with him and considerate, just like any other customer, but theres no reason to treat an employee of a store that way, espeically if you’re trying to get them to help you or answer a question. aboslutely unacceptable IMO. like i said, my work hardle ever pisses me off, but this just really got to me.


Haha I wonder why he’s failing out of school? He reeks of intelligence…

HAHA i’ve been told to fuck off several times cause I’m not allowed to tell people how to pirate software at UB

Damn man…the poor guy is failing out of college. Why can’t you just give him his books.

You’re kind of a jerk…and not very helpful at all. :slight_smile:

you books I have need when store ordered failing am I to get books yes?

one time i called a customer a dick and threw a cup at him.

usually people who blow up like that have other issues going on then getting what they want from the store/service etc.

That dude had issues and he couldnt even understand the concept of what he needed to do. douche bag

I love when people take their own frustrations out on others.

He was probably a very angry person inside.

I will be at that college taking an LSAT next saturday. I will hunt him down.

Also, isn’t it like the 4th week of school? and he’s already failing out? Maybe it’s because he didnt get his books until now.

usually the ‘slip’ has ‘directions’ on how to pick up the package. . .

if someone is nasty i try even harder to be nicer to them, its the worst thing you can do to piss them off

look at the glass as half full. at least you dont work with me

one of the unsuspecting sales guys here got my brains today
if you dont know what brains are you need to see the movie waiting

pissed off people, or looking at my balls… which would you pick?

story please :slight_smile:

hey … that makes sense … stfu, stop being reasonable … :slight_smile:

well when people get packages sent ot them here (our mailbox holders) we set the packages aside and just put a piece of paper in thier box that says “you recieve X packages on XX/XX/XXX” but i dont know about anywhere else. im actually kind of hoping he calls back hehe


he just wants his books :gotmme:

sometimes it seems the biggest assholes make the best work stories,
For instance… A gentlemen comes into sears lookin at plasma tv’s and begins to ask me the usual questions pixels imputs blah blah, then he asks me what company we use for tv i tell him dish hd. oh i really like the picture do they have alot of channels. i tell him yes they do and they have a alot of sports packs that you could be interested in. He then proceeds to ask me if they have porn on demand or pay per view porn, im kinda taken back by this i tell him that the question he asked is innapporipate and to not do it again, then he asks me if they have good porn from europe and if it has a story line and if its qualifed as hardcore , im about to lose my mind at this point but i was polite and told him to please refrain from asking me questions of a perverse nature. So he stays on track for about all of 2 minutes…, Do you and youre wife watch porn he blerts out, now im really pissed he made it personal. I look square at him and then proceed to say that im grossly offended by his remarks and questions and that i would like him to leave the store, he says no , i get nice an close to him , sir if you do not leave the store i will call security an have you escorted out you can take your pick… cut to him turning right the fuck around and almost running out of the store, havent seen him back in there since…

Why is it inappropriate? If you were looking to go with a satellite provider, wouldn’t you want ot know if the content you were looking for was available? :gotme: You sound a little too uptight…

^^^ but with other customers around, you cant stand there at work talking about porno channels on sat. tv …

nor can you have your boss hear you talking about that to a customer, and i agree that the wife question is highly out of line … thats not something for a stranger to ask …

its why all the porn on nyspeed is in a forum called “not safe for work”

eh its kinda long, i dont feel like typing it out… another time i told some little pissy girl “fuck you, get me fired” another time i made this 40 year old dude so angry he tried to fight me in his garage… its kinda cool, the owner knows that i wouldnt pull this shit unless i was prevolked, and always has my back if they call and complain. you should hear what she says to customers on the phone, its kinda badass…


Meh, I only wish I had to deal with that once a day over the phone. Silly ISP support. But yeah they make great stories. :tup: