rude people/work rant

I had worked for shitty Dominos Pizza for about a week, when the store opened and everyone was new. Their whole system is computerized, and it takes a while to learn it all, especially when you’re on the spot with someone on the phone. Some old guy calls and asks for something I can’t find. He keeps getting impatient and yelling at me. I apoligize, and he calls me incompetent and everything else in the book. He was yelling so loud people heard him on the phone several registers down. I finally told him to calm down, and he lost it on me. Wouldn’t you know it, 6 months later I got to deliver a pizza to this shirtless old fucker. He had no idea who I was. I hope he enjoyed it, I made it special just for him.:wink:

i remember this story sak, thats so fucking gross… in all my years of food service i have never done anything like that.

:tdown: Even if you are pissed off to all hell, you act calm and collected and ALWAYS be polite! That is the fastest way to get help.

I bet you had his motherfucking books the whole time, you asshole.

lol entertaining thread :tup: makes me glad I don’t work in customer service.

its not that bad. like i said, 99.9% of the time i enjoy my job and i find humor in the stupid and angry people, but theres that .1% of the time when this shit happens…

I get that when people come in mid-season and their rental bindings fall apart or they lose a strap… It’s cool and all we’ll put a new one on, and it sucks that it fell off on the hill. They make it seem like it’s our fault because something came loose when at the bottom of the tag in the user agreement in bold lettering “Always check for loose hardware or screws!!!”
We don’t take their money for broken stuff but parents flip shit like it should never happen. 24/7 bindings had that problem.
Oh! Oh parents who ski, but their kid rents a board and they have to try and talk us down like ski’ing is better. Okay it’s not the 90’s… Johnny Tsunami?

all you had to do was tell him to use the proper terminology instead of saying fuck repeatedly. then just hang up if he continues swearing. that’s what i’d do.

:tup: for acting professionally…

Two :tup: :tup: to people who, while in mid sentance hang up on annoying customers. Then leave thier desks because they know that customer is going to call right back. You know who you are.

ha, yep my gf worked for upsstore this summer. She has some crazy stories about idiots. One time she was closing up with another girl, it was past closing time and they had just locked the door. This woman begged her to let her inside and mail a package. Of course she said nah we’re closed.

Another time at like 2 minutes to closing, this woman comes in and says i know you guys are closing but i just need a few copies. She then rolls off 200 copies.

If you give people an inch they piss all over you.

Thank god i’m not in customer service, i hate people. Just sit here in my office and play network admin, and macgyver.

u got prank called ill tell u right now. actually sounds like my boss. he had a guy over at yings wanting to fight him.if you think thats rude work a day with me then you will see rude`

I hated dealing with people like that when I worked at a call center.

LOL I know exactly who you are talking about :slight_smile:

If someone is yelling at you, whisper. You’d be amazed what happens…

hahaha Ive got to try that one

:lol: I tried that once… the person just got angrier

Normal response is that they stop shouting.

Wow, what a great trick to change their state of mind!