wow, people are just... wow

so i faxed in a purchase order to one of our vendors the other day. there were too many items to fit on 1 page, so it was a 2 page order (this is not out of the ordinary, but has relivence to the story).

so i get an email that says

we got 2 po’s from you, both with the same po number, but with different product.

she then lists the products from the second page

should i combine these, or are they seperate orders?

the pages are numbered. it says plain as day at the top of each page, the po number and then “page #”. how the fuck can you be so fucking lost?

what does she do when she gets her cell phone bill?
uh yea, hello cingular… you sent me like 10 bills in 1 envelope, how should i pay for this?

Oh c’mon now, you seem so cynical that you of all people, should not be surprised by a new level of stupidity. You just have to accept the fact that 99% of the population is just plain dumb.

stupid ppl make me want to slam my face repeatedly into my keyboard until theres nothing left of my face and keyboard…this bitch obviously is a perfect example

it doesnt make me mad. i’m not the stupid person here. i am just… wow, i can’t believe someone is just so dumb.

does she buy a book and think it consists of 300 and some odd short stories or something?

lol… where would entertainment be without dumb people?

You work in retail dood

I’m suprised this even came up as a thread… i was expecting something a lot stupider

i work at the cit help desk at ub, ive heard some really fucking stupid questions come out of some ppls mouths, i dont even know wat to say to them sometimes.

It is not the stupid people that bother me as much, it is the rude people. Seems like we have had quite a few of those in our office lately.

I love stupid people. So amusing.

what if shes at a resturant, and opens the menu… does she ask the waiter

excuse me, but you gave me 4 menus, uh… are there one only has drinks on it, is this a bar or something? because i really wanted a hamburger.

equal opportunity employment

yeah that about sums it up…lets hire this guy cuz hes of a differant race, so that more qualified personel can find somwhere else to work but we look great on paper :tup: to us.

lol… I was kidding… but most of the recent topics here have turned into flame wars about race…

But I know a lot of people who were under qualified and hired before someone who was qualified… not because of race… but other things.

but alot of times that is the case which at least in my point of view is rather stupid…who gives a shit if sombody is black, white, mexican, chinese or w/e, hire the best person for the job.

It’s not what you know but who you blow…lol

some under the desk work :lol:

I worked with the boss’s daughter today and she said something super dumb. We were talking about how she waits for one of the managers at another store because he’s usually late. Well I said yeah, Jordan (the guy who she covered for today) is usually late too. She then asked if I hated waiting in the parking lot…I was like uh, I have a key. She’s like WOW! you do? Lol, so I said, nah, we left the front door open last night so I could get in this morning. Here’s your sign.

99%? you’re too nice! I would say that 1 out of every 10k people are not complete morons. (I’m NOT saying I’m not a moron, but I notice that there are plenty of stupid people)

ahahahahah omg whata retard