I hate this thread more than....

When you go into the mens room to blow your nose only to realize just how diverse the diets are in a company that has employees from 30 different countries.

Grown men who don’t know how to piss in a urinal or toilet… I mean this is at work, at a good company; I don’t understand why there’s piss all over the walls and puddles of it on the floor… I mean these bathrooms look worse than the Ralph after a Bills Game! (And they were just remodeled for a stupid amount of $$ and are really nice bathrooms)

…this thread

a turtle biting my finger at the zoo

…people you hire to produce and install a specialized product do a shittier job than you would do yourself…and that’s all they do as an occupation.

Looking at the clock on your computer and realizing you still have 35 mins…

i feel your pains

holy hell yes.

i’ve been trying to hire guys with a competitive pay structure for the last several weeks and cant find SHIT!!!

and i’ve watched at least 3 guys either turn down an offer for their current role (that pays less and has less security) or take the offer only to fuck it up a couple weeks later.

it AMAZES me how many people have shit lives and can’t figure out why even though they make shitty decision after shitty decision… lieing, cheating, stealing, fuck… FUCK!!!

Looking at the time on the computer and realizing you only took 7 mins…

Also, not being able to find an open stall in the bathrooms.

Waking up 10min before your alarm is going to go off.

Looking at the clock and realizing you only have 35 minutes.

try being in a room with 70 people from ~5 different countries, who have walked 5 days through the desert, and haven’t showered in at least 2 weeks.

do you work at the flea market or something? lol

It’s the different countries that gets it there. Why the rest of the world thinks Americans are “obsessed with being clean” is beyond me. French love their BO. Indians cover it up with horrible perfumes. etc… etc…

When you’re brushing your teeth in the morning and your toothpaste decides to do a suicide jump off your toothbrush. I hate that shit.

You need to be more selctive about who you invite to your parties.

Do you work border patrol?

Walk up to the water fountain at the gym and someones filling a bottle and doesnt know that correct gym etiquette would be to let the person behind you get a quick sip instead of making them wait while they fill their stupid water bottle!

:fu: :fu: :fu:

When people think they need to go on a diet but really don’t.