poopin at work

well what do you do

i’m at least 3-4 times a day b/c i get piad to do so

and its the only time I can read the USA today…and also there is only 3 guys on my floor and the bath room has 3 poopers so we have our own and only use the same

get paid to poop.

lol…i try not to. people are so fucking disgusting and the cleaning staff is piss poor(pun intended)

only in emergencies

sometimes i leave work and go home since im only 2 mins down the road. makes for a nice break too

i poop on a daily basis at work. in the customer bathroom. it’s great.

that coffee really gets to ya.

all the time, getting paid to shit fucking rocks

btw, guys are actually pretty good about not pissing on the seat. but i still make a nest fo sho

  1. open the door and lock behind me.
  2. put a ring of TP down on the seat, multi layered if deemed necessary.
  3. turn around facing door (no need to slater the toilet)
  4. pull down pants
  5. sit down carefully to not shift the TP, hopefully preventing any bare ass touch to the seat
  6. Pinch loaf with loud grunts
  7. stand up and wipe til ass is clean
  8. pull up pants
  9. push TP into the toilet that was used as a ring
    10 ) flush and leave

maybe I’m missing the point of the OP. I have no shame and no stage fright I could shit on stage if I had to go

word, only 8 people in my office including me, and only a total of 5 guys

so our bathroom is good

damnit… i jsut realized i chose the wrong option lol

ah well

what about the Handi crapper?

I have the choice between three bathrooms, and I’m the only one here. It rules. I’ve yet to destroy all three at once. I should go and eat some mighty before coming in one of these days.

I cant poop at work.
I MUST shower after i poop. If i cant shower right after…I WILL NOT POOP :frowning:

LOL wtf.

he likes a clean ass. :shrug:

just wanted to know what people do…some guys here are funny and I lol everytime i see them so wanted to know


i shit at work if its an emergency. if its not…then i wont. you wouldnt want to either with all the dirts at my work.

paid 2 poop > doing it for free

I don’t get paid by the hour, but I still make my normal 9am deposit if I’m in the office.


ill have to try that one, since im surrounded by women up front. makes it hard to really poop loud

Fuck that…
I like my ass to be extra clean. Ive been like that since like forever…I dont know why…lol
If its an emergency i’ll just go home sick and wuallaaaaaaaaa… lol