How do you prefer to do your business?

So after a conversation with a fellow coworker about some of the guys who prefer to be a chatty kathy while in the bathroom at work, it got me thinking, is that normal?

Honestly, i mean i dont mind a few words while im in the next stall dropping the jims steakout from the day before, but come on, some guys feel the need to tell me their life story about how they think the honeysuckle turkey they ate last night doesnt look the same anymore.

How often has this happened to you and/or maybe someone of you are on that side of the story im referring to.

I prefer to drop bombs alone. If not, in silence.

I wouldn’t use a public restroom for anything but a piss if you payed me, shit is disgusting.
I’d rather shit in a plant.
As far as pissing goes, I like to piss in the stalls, because the idea of another man holding his dick without a wall between us , really bothers me.

are you afraid someone might catch a glance of your manhood? :mamoru:

my own private bathroom at work > *

I love battleshitting.

I usually get the Ohhh god from the guys at the urinals and the Holy fucks from the guys next to me.

Taco bell and or lactose intolerance FTW.

Best comment ever received, I swear you just hit the richter scale with that.


Several years ago, i installed security systems and networks in homes and small business. If it was a nice house, i most certainly would drop a deuce in their bathroom.
Only once did i walk out and get face-to-face with the homeowner… he was baffled, speechless.
I just smiled, grabbed my tools, told him everything was all set, and left. :slight_smile:

Back on topic, i like to shit alone.

There is only one throne at the altar. I prefer not share my kingdom.

Yes. I talk to people while they piss, I talk to people while shitting. I call people, I Instant message people. and for chino’s sake MSN message.

I’m a very social pooper

somehow my girlfriend always knows when I text her from the toilet. how the fuck does she know?

Nope I’m proud of it, Im more afraid Jam or someone like him might grab it and try to draw a piss picture on the wall, and or someone might piss on my leg.

I’m poopin right now… and talking to 5 people on aim… Including Afhockey who just called me a Danimal I think he is shitting too…

God I need to set up a poop chat sometime

no i told you… im jerki… um yes… pooping

the shitter is my time leave me alone

Never, ever, talk in the men’s room. Ever. About anything.

(And don’t bother telling me. I know this has been posted before.)