Fuck Fedex, and $7 an hour helpdesk retards

I recieve a door tag. Signature required in person. I work 8-5, Wife works 8-5. = Nobody there to sign.

I call the 1800 number.

I explain the issue, and request for a local pick up. They say they flagged it for pick up at 95 port st in albany. And tell me to call back in the am to make sure it is there.

I call the 1800 number. in the morning.

I explain above, and want to make sure the package is held. This person was not american. It took my 2 minutes to tell them the tracking number. They say it shows it was scanned by driver. I say well WTF does that mean, I dont work for FedEx. They say it must be on a truck for delivery. I say great, I will have to have someone try to be there to sign for it, when will it be there? around 1PM they say.

Send my mother to my house… she is there from 12-2:30… no package.

I call the 1800 number.

Explaine the above. They say it is held for pick up. I say WTF, they said ti wasnt and I wasted 3 hours of my day waiting for the delivery, as I was instructed to do. I say fine I will come pick it up.

I go to the FedEx place after work.

Package isnt there. I am pissed. they look it up and see that they tried to deliver it. I go home, door tag #2! Time of delivery attempt… 2:00

I call the 1800 number.

Explaine above and ask for a manager, becasue this mother fucker wasnt american, I couldnt understand shit they were saying and I was fucked too many times and had no paticents left to deal it Abdool.

Explain above to manager. He starts in with the… Ohh i am sorry for the… I stop him mid tracks, and say fuck that. You are not sorry, and even if you were I dont care… I want to speak to you, hoping you have half a brain to look into this process and make sense of the information in front of you and can tell me where the fuck my package is. He give me the same shit… it is scanned by driver, and going back to the fedex place. He said I can either pick it up or wait till tomorrow to have it delivered. I say fuck that, the driver said he tried to deliever it at 2:00, which was BS becasue I had someone there at 2:00. and when she left at 2:30 there wasnt a door tag. I is now 3:45 (last friday). Make that driver turn the fuck around and put my package in my garage. they refuse to do it. I gave up and said make fuckign sure it is at the Fedex place in albany monday evening between 5-6PM.

End of rant.

Can I fit a Limited Slip diff into a back pack, becasue I rode my bike to work today! LOL

Acting the way you did on the phone to them will get you nowhere which may explain their “oopps” mistakes on their part.

I personally only use UPS or USPS. Fedex is retarted. Luckily the UPS guy here knows me and my dad pretty well, so if I am not home, he will take it to my dad’s work. ut I guess thats because I am in a small town. Like when I got my Wii, it was shipped here, but someone over 21 had to sign for it!!! My brother was here but hes 18… so they had to hold it.

I wasnt too much of a retard on the phone to anyone until i got to the last straw on friday with the first guy I couldnt even understand the “Welcome to fedex…” let alone what he said his name was.

Their Opps was putting a falsified door tag on the seccond time around. They sure as hell were not there when they said they were on the tag.

Not to mentioned none of them dug deep enough into my issues to see what the hell was actually going on with the package. had they done that they wouldnt have given me wronge information each time.

i’m sure it ill fit in a bookbag…but it’s going to be heavy as hell!!

Yeah 10.1lbs. But It cant be much bigger than about the size of a bowling ball.

either way, ill have alot of extra ballast for wheeling down central ave on my way home today.

10 lbs…that’s not to bad…mine was like 30 lbs.

Be safe. Don’t wipe out. That 10lb could go through you right quick.

step 1: buy large gun
step 2: find local fed ex
step 3: walk into local fex ed yielding said large gun
step 4: i see you because i work close to there and call ray
step 5: ray shoots u in the dik for being such a fuk head!

now STFU and deal with it like a man. :slight_smile:

:rofl :rofl :rofl

Logic not found.

I am just going to poop in a fedEx box and UPS it to them.

^^ hahaha.

LMAO, do et!

pics or it never happened

I used to work at fedex… youd be amazed at the care taken in handling your packages :rofl

At about 5am… if it was a bad day… I just threw boxes into the trucks. If you ship fed ex… package it well because ive seen the people that handle your packages and they nor the line managers give a fuck. I cant tell you how much shit fell out of the box, broke… a manager came over shoved it back in the box… taped it and sent it on its way rather than holding it and contacting the person like theure supposed to :rofl

i have always had fucking EXCELLENT results / luck with fedex.

im sure ive thrown some of your packages :lol

i will punch you square in the jaw.

keep it in the closet