You stupid or something son?
Notice the " " marks around displacement when I was talkin about adding more air volume via spinning the super charger faster? I must have given you too much credit to asume you could understand that. Let me go back an elementy level so we can get on the same page. Displacement= potential volume of air a engine displaces. Rated in cubic inches or liters. Extremely rarely is it though that a 6.0l engine will displace 6.0l while running. (two complete crank revolution under its own power) There we run into a little thing call volumetric efficiency. under 100% and its moving less than 6.0l per two revs. Over 100% and is moving more than 6.0l. Ok so now we have a guy that has increased is baseline displacement, and increased his VE with other major mods and fine tuning. and another guy with a smaller base cube that is probably running even less efficient (super chargers rob alot of power, and generate alot of heat in the intake carge). You guys are already crying about the supercharger?
Simple question. Who do you think will win. Quick, or the lightening.