**ATTENTION** all guys must read and show their girlfriends/wives

pixies tonight for any of the non homos

her friend starr… well…wanted some and you coulda been that guy!:rolleyes:

hahahahahahahahahahha :ninja

DJ they arnt old enough hahahaha…yo know ill be there…kickin your ass in darts with my partner!!

HAHA! idk though you girls are getting alot better in darts! You only have to catch up about 300 points :slight_smile:

WTF, not old enough?

Hahaha one step at a time…just dont close out the 20’s or 18’s and we are golden, my girl can work the bulls eye!

yea, Shady and Chris07ss are both not old enough…we are dealin with youngins here lol

Well can you get into pixies not beign 21?

im down just to chill I dont have eto drink…

oh and yea chris… linds friend deff right up your ally

Yea you can get in, its a Pub, you just cant drink…its always good times at Pixies…and what did i tell you??

pixies is a good time!


Are they like sutters in which they dont go around IDing everyone with a drink in their hand :ninja

lmao your a dork…its a small hometown bar, the bartender will realize that your drinking and know she didnt ID you.


oh yeah deff… :smiley:

wait. you mean to tell me ive been saving womens lives all these years? i knew i was a hero lol.

this is awsome news i just need to ho myself out more and save lives

You know this story is a hoax right?

Way to ruin it for everyone :gtfo

I am pulling your man card!

for some reason my new girl loves my home made mayonnaise so im all set.

You know this story is a hoax right?

Showed this to my wife and it was gonna get lucky until this was posted.^^^