IMPORTANT: For Women's health

Please let every woman know. We have to start acting now to save a breast, maybe even a life. It says “CNN” on it, so it must be true.

Women, please sign up if you are looking for a reduction in the risk pool:

I’ll start a donor’s list:

1.) LAFENGAS (PM for contact #)

Receiver List.
1.) Not MonteCarloChick

donor’s list:

1.) LAFENGAS (PM for contact #)
2.) Skunk :wink:


2.) Howie


2.) Howie




omg yes there is a god an he is a man this proves it. how do i sign up to be a donor…

“Only with regular occurance will your chances be reduced, so I encourage all women out there to make fellatio an important part of their daily routine,” said Dr. Helena Shifteer


lol nerd

i got slapped because of this thread…

there is this hot intern at work, i went up to her and asked if she had breast cancer? she immediately replied… “no…” i got slapped in the face after she heard me say “oh you must give great, frequent head.” :bloated:

“i bet she gives GREAT helmet”

how did they conduct this study. did they just have some girls drinking it out of cups or straight from the source??


how did they conduct this study. did they just have some girls drinking it out of cups or straight from the source??


they tested the carnie chicks at barnum and baileys circus. apparently the donors were the unicycle riding grizzly bears

Well, looks like I’m getting breast cancer.


Oh god. I hate vagina.



the only thing the vagine gives me is something to pick out of my teeth



how did they conduct this study. did they just have some girls drinking it out of cups or straight from the source??


It wouldn’t be fellatio if they drank it from cups :eyebrow:


That link is so fake