Ignorant bastards at San Jose State want the FDA to lift its ban
on gay blood donations because it violates UNIVERSITY POLICY on
AIDS screening is not fool proof so there is a chance of it getting through.
Lets ENDANGER everyones health and possibly life because of a university policy conflict. God I want to kick someone in the teeth. This is absolutely absurd. FUCK YOUR POLICY! Lets endanger everyones life because of fucking policy. Bureocratic shit.
i picture him as just a giant rubber band. and everything just stretches him more and more. Every time he bitches about something on the internet it just pulls hhim tighter. eventually hes gonna snap and go flying across the roon.
Statistically speaking, Gays are much higher risk to contract AIDS then other people clown
I know I have FAR more gay friends then you so you can stick the :bloated: in your ass
The fucking FDA actually KNOWS what the fuck they are talking about compared to some PUD in the University Office
They are responsible for assessing public health risk and dictating policy
oooook man - go ask your GAY friends how they feel about your ignorant ass comments then you fucking clown.
lemme guess only blacks and gays have AIDS right? please try and justify this and make yourself not look like a fucking idiot, I can’t wait for your response.
In many developed countries, there is an association between AIDS and homosexuality or bisexuality, and this association is correlated with higher levels of sexual prejudice such as anti-homosexual attitudes. There is also a perceived association between AIDS and all male-male sexual behavior, including sex between uninfected men.
Those most likely to hold misconceptions about HIV transmission and to harbor HIV/AIDS stigma are less educated people and people with high levels of religiosity or conservative political ideology.
YES! the 3 second wikipedia search expert to the rescue. Because Wikipedia is the end all, knowledge base.
Thanks for the peanut gallery input dumb fuck. Go back to doing something productive like collecting carts from the parking lot at tops.
ummm…homosexual men are at a much higher risk of contracting HIV and AIDS. It may seem closed minded or w/e…but its the truth. Why do you guys have such a hard time believing it?
I’m gonna have to agree with the OP, they havent been taking gay blood for a reason. I dont want some liberal morons to endanger myself, my family, or anyone just so they arent discriminated against for giving blood.
hahah. I love how you have analyzed my personality through car forum internet posts and know exactly what Im like. LOL. I wont even gratify your posts with an answer.