Aids Vaccine?


now the feds will need another plan b for population control

government wont let it happen? dunno lol

I’m not sure how I feel as far as this go, as much as I hate to say it sometimes people need to die.

Without death, could we turn into China? A limit as to how many kids you can have?

Um yea not everyone that has hiv deserved to get the disease.

Just the drug users.

i agree with that

BS If your out fucking random people without using a rubber and you catch it that’s your own fault.
(not my opinion, just on the topic of your post)

I’ll be the first to admit, i’ve done wayyyy more crazy shit than most people I know. I was just careful when I did it, which is why i’m in the clear. If you we’re in a hospital and somehow they fucked up ok I agree they should help you and I’m not sure I disagree with giving the cure to anyone that has it.
All just hypothetical posts…

pfft depending on the 11ty2 side effects, I’d get a vac. You never know when you may need a blood transfusion, and 99.5% accurate screening doesn’t make me comfortable.

All i am going to say is you dont always get aids from sex by being a whore. There are alot of people who get aids because they were nieve and trusted the wrong person.

someone should send them 10million for added funds, just because the ability to prevent aids would be awesome.

sweet, it will be the 60’s and 70’s all over again. coke, hookers, free love, and the beginning of over population

I guarantee if you had HIV, you’d be all over this drug and the last thing you would be thinking is “well, sometimes people need to die.l”

It’s always the people that cheat death and famine that have the nerve to say everyone else deserves it.

so im at a fire scene and save someones life from a car accident or fire, they are bleeding badly and i get blood in my eyes, or in a open cut without knowing.
i deserve aids?

they will just introduce a new virus that “cant be cured”

Can you read?
First off I blatantly said it wasn’t my opinion just a possible view to add to what someone else said.

I also never said I disagreed with anyone getting this, cause being un-protected sex, drugs and or any other reckless activities. I just know that death is a necessary part of life and it needs to happen. If people lived forever this would turn into a country where it was mandated how many babies you can pop out.

sorry, miss understood, i took its as if you got it sucks to be you kinda thing.

<3 it’s ok

ps thanks for being a fireman

The way I see it, America isn’t really where this is needed. AIDS isn’t exactly burning through our population. How many people with AIDS do you know?

Africa is a different story. Rape is practically a man’s right across most of the continent which, in conjunction with the filth and poverty there, has 20-30% of the population of sub-Saharan Africa infected with HIV. This could go a long way towards pulling the continent out of disease and thus poverty.

hey fry, are we going to try and save another country and watch all of our tax dollars go down the drain? sounds like a good plan, but is it really our job to do that? i could think of better things to spend our money on, like maybe trying to keep gas prices cheaper.

all this talk about the economy being in the shitter, its mainly because of gas prices and that leading to not having money for other things to boost the economy.

back on topic, i dont see this going very far, not anytime soon at least.