HIV cure claims?? :eek:

interesting to say the least. it says he “declined” further testing. :gotme: he could possibly hold the key to curing some ~35 million people and he’s declining testing. :bloated:


the test result was mistaken in either the first or second test, either he never had it or still has it

he doesnt want to be retested because its easier for him to accept that hes “cured” instead of having to think his ass is still gonna die

ya i read about this too. i bet it was a lab mixup and he never had it…

but that sucks that he is not allowing testing…

He said the case was important because “inside his immune system is perhaps a key that could allow us to develop some kind of vaccine”.

fucking tie him down and draw his blood. if he could actually help out the millions of people on earth suffering/dying from aids/hiv by getting pricked by a few needles and spending a week in a hospital, get him in there. pay him a half million pounds and strap his fugly ass in.

I bet you if you were gay and asked him he would help you

There is a very small percentage of people who are immune to HIV. Not because they have some super antibody or anything, but because thier T-Cells are deformed and the virus can’t attach themselves to it like normal cells.

People with this deformity in thier T-Cells generally have a shorter life span because there immune system isn’t very good anyway.

Geez if the gov got ahold of this stuff you know they charge everyone with AIDS like mad money for the cure, they wouldnt just help, they’d charge.

or they would not give it out because he pharmicutical companies would buy it and destroy it. do you have any idea how many billions of $ a year the medicine manufacturing companies make in just hiv/aids medicine?

Is his practice located in the carribean by any chance? lol

HIV and AIDS keep the human population in check…

because we are too stupid to do it ourselves, nature takes over.

We are the Earth’s virus… AIDS is the Earths cure.

bird flu…

i call it: BS



:tdown: for those who don’t really understand about it in africa etc. and got infected though…


I heard from a biologist before about this subject and was told that the small percentage immune are only white. Is that true or bs? Any links or anything?

I don’t remember hearing that but I’m sure its a possibility.

chuck norris’ tears are the only true cure

^^ lol what? :rofl:

if i ever got aids i would give it to everyone i knew.

so is magic johnson dead?

I have no idea what your referencing




It would only make sense that some people were immune or would be able to kick the disease…that makes more sense than saying “no one can kick the hiv virus” that statement wouldnt follow suit with any other virus ever.
