H1N1 - Global Pandemic - Stage 6

Title says it all. Now, it’s very serious.

The declaration would mark the first pandemic call since 1968, when Hong Kong flu killed about one million people .

WHO Director General Margaret Chan held an emergency conference call with leading flu experts to discuss the outbreak of the virus, which has caused nearly 27,737 cases of swine flu, including 141 deaths.

Hmmm, thats funny, this thing has caused only 141 deaths (which probably occured in under-developed parts of 2nd or 3rd world countries), yet they categorize it in the same league as something which killed a million ppl? does anyone else smell something fishy?

“which has caused nearly 27,737 cases of swine flu, including 141 deaths.”

im not too woried… everoyne get catches a cold lately calls its swing flu.

under 0.5% are dying, hardly seems like the plague


^ lol i guess we’re thinking the same thing breaker


Watch the news…they explain very well whats going on.

It is and has spread globally, quickly. Hong Kong has closed schools etc etc.

I’m still not to worried. I die…I die. lol I hate getting sick though:(

It’s all a diversion from the real issues. It’s the fuckin’ flu. It’s not even as bad as the bird flu was/is or west nile. It’s just the new panic button for this year.

I still maintain as well, that these crazy new strains of flu are caused by or assisted by the whole flu shot thing… I never get one, and have yet to get a bad flu in about 10 years. I just practice good hygiene and stay healthy. It’s not that fuckin’ hard.

ya, this isn’t a serious flu tho? just highly contagious?

…I was trying to get some gorey details on it but no…just a flu orginated from pigs, then some yocal probably fucked one and now it’s spreading to humans haha…just kidding guys, I know this matter is pretty big, but is it really that serious or just another flu with no vaccine for?!

Sad thing is Gurpreet, your probably dead fucking on with that!:puke:

Just like AIDS I guess

Yeah, I wanna know who fucked the monkey.

LMAO… but then again guys, I always think those underground secretive governments are upto something…

I’m sure they got the “guinea pigs” for that stuff if that’s how it was made…dam Illuminati and the End Times…

lol thats some serious buisness…i thought i wud be flamed for this illuminati stuff… glad some of you guys believe it.

It’s true, Satan’s pretty good at deceiving and hiding the truth from what’s actually around us.

I’m no hardcore fanatic, but I read up, and learn about this stuff.

anyways, i bet this thread will be moved if anything lol.

better yet make a seperate thread

I did. How did you know it was a monkey? Damn you!

Either way, I definitely agree that the virus is a little hyped up.

However, with that many cases, you gotta keep in mind that the virus has probably been spread to a lot of people and it’s just incubating within people and continuously spreading without people knowing they have the virus.

The numbers will get exponentially larger until the vaccine arrives. I think the vaccine should be ready soon though.

Why is it so hard?..if anyone is sick, stay inside, chillax, until your feeling better!

I hate getting sick, been a long time since I have (knocks on wood) lol

p.s - if you are risking it, wear those gas masks for any daily life living outside…sometimes it’s freaky! haha


who cares about H1N1 lmfao

I’m so scared I’m not ever going out ever again.

H1N1 is a lie

I was just in Mexico and picked up a sweet “I survived H1N1” t-shirt.