Parents... Will your child be getting the swine flu shot?

Decisions like this are why being a parent sucks sometimes.

A little reading from a recent email discussion with my wife…

^So that’s just discussing the risks because it’s a new pretty much untested vaccine. Then you get into the whole Thimerosal debate.

So the “official” FDA study determined their wasn’t enough data to confirm or deny the suspicions, but said, “The Committee did conclude that the hypothesis that exposure to thimerosal-containing vaccines could be associated with neurodevelopmental disorders was biologically plausible.”

That’s not real comforting now is it? “There could be a link, we don’t know, but lets keep giving it because we don’t have enough data”.

Some reading that’s obviously much more biased…

But there are studies on both sides:
A list of studies linking autism and Thimerosal

And a list of studies disproving the link between Thimerosal and autism.

From what I’ve read it sounds like Thimerosal is used in the majority of flu and swine flu vaccines but there are non-thimerosal versions.

Really? There’s thimerosal in flu shots? Way to burst my bubble of ignorance. I thought that shit had been dropped from all vaccines.

This is why I’m glad my wife’s a speech path specializing in Autism. (She’s probably going to begin a PhD program in the fall in early childhood development.) She can handle these decisions when we start spawning.

Thats not a decision I would really want. But I would probably lean towards no, and just make sure they are healthy.

My kids are not getting any flu shot yet.
The Dr is all out.
I will ask about the thimerosal next time I’m there, and would postpone a “new” vaccine
as long as I can.

I’ll bet soon enough, you will not have a choice. Schools will mandate it.

ex. If my daughter is sent home with a fever, she needs to go to the Dr and get tested for swine before being allowed back into school.

I dunno how I feel about the Swine Flu vaccine. My pediatrician just last week said the study for the children’s vaccine wasn’t even completed yet…? He said he didn’t even know if they’d receive it in time for it to matter.

And for children, don’t they take the vaccine nasally? I saw news footage of people shoving stuff into little tiny angry noses. Poor kids.

I’m ok with vaccines in general, but my kid won’t be getting the swine flu vaccine…not to mention he’s not even 2 yet so we don’t really have to worry about it like school aged kids do.

It’s a wonder we ever survived childhood, really.

I’d also like to add, I belong to a mommy message board and there are plenty of anti-vax moms who have Autistic children who have never even been vaxd. One has 4 children, none of which have ever received any sort of vax, and 3 out of the 4 have some form of Autism.

According to the Dr., there are no more nose applicator things to be had and for my kids apt. they get the shots.

OT: Dr’s should be treated just like mechanics. It’s best guess and most are out to get paid.

I’m sure genetics play no role in making healthy kids.


I certainly don’t believe that any single thing causes autism. However, when you read 10 studies that say thimerosal is linked, then 10 studies that say it isn’t, you get a little concerned when your Dr says definitively that it’s safe.

If 10 aeronautical engineers said your parachute wasn’t going to work, and 10 said it would… would you still jump out of a plane with it?

Here is a question for you/anyone.

Why did kids used to get 10 shots until 1988(?) it was increased to 35 shots?
Was there some huge child death increase in the USA that I missed?
And of course your kid can’t go to school without the shots.
The US has admited to conaminating shots intentionally in the past.
Does anyone think they are more trust worthy now? I have some swamp land for you.
F that.

I trust engineers more than Dr’s.
Aeronautical engineers deal with all aspects of chute deployment where as most Dr’s
don’t do a damn thing with genetics or anything more than ear nose and throat.

They read a report and take it as fact… The 10 that said it would not open are probably living in a vacuum.

Seriously though, I don’t understand the need for 35 shots either.

So… Should I be getting this shot, even though I’m 21?

On a similar note:

Children/Infant Tylenol recall.

We just bought a 2 pack at Sam’s Club so I’m checking my UPC’s now.

where is the option for “If Glenn Beck tells me it’s ok”

absolutely not. We do not believe in/trust the vaccines either. I have nothing on my conscience for not giving my children a shot for polio.

If I had children, they would not receive anything that was not required for school.

well since a handful of you trust engineers more than doctors disregard the following, for others though:

thimerosal is only in influenza vaccines it has been removed from others. you would have to ask your health care worker administering the dose what is in it. to shift from seasonal flu, the novel h1n1 (swine flu, technically an improper term now) will be available in 3 different types of administration, multidose vials, prefilled syringes, and spray. the novel h1n1 vaccine also will be in thimerosal and thimerosal free versions.

for h1n1 since 100% of the vaccine is federally owned and distributed your health care provider can only charge for “labor” basically, and that is capped at a certain amount due to federal reg’s. btw pharmacists are now allowed to administer h1n1 vaccine also.

all physicians are different, but its true that you probably wouldnt deal with a physician who does genetics, as those physicians are research physicians (not clinical) and never see patients ever. to be frank, there isnt a significant need for your primary care physician to work on a genetic level, vaccines work with acquired immunity, and you only need a generalized knowledge of b and t cells. also even today genetics is not a very accurate predictor, just because the genome has been sequence, does not mean we understand exactly how it is affected by the external environment of a person.

as of now although you fall in the age bracket, you are not within the priority group for need, unless you are immunocompromized or at risk for iLi (influenza like illness) complications. basically it would be up to your provider to determine if you are eligible (the vaccine will be available to all eventually, but not in the first week of october, nor mid october, from data i have so far). elderly people are not really in need of the disease as they have partial immunity to older strains of influenza, the people who “should” be considered to get the vaccine are pregnant women, and young children.

it is an individuals (conditional) right to refuse vaccination, however legally a private institution can refuse admittance if it is their policy that the child needs vaccines. the reason that vaccines are important is the concept of “herd immunity”. simply stated if 5/10 people are immune, 50% of the population is vulnerable and the infection can transfer from infected to those who are not immune. if 9/10 people are immune the disease has fewer or no reservoirs to “jump” to, infecting others, as its natural course expires the illness goes away. physicians recommend vaccination because those who are not vaccinated pose a health risk to others in society.

that is a good point, if you are not in a higher risk group it may not be necessary for you to get the vaccine. nevertheless the NYSDOH (nys dept of health) recommends that everyone get the seasonal flu vaccine, and all health care workers (those with direct patient contact) are mandated to receive it. If the seasonal flu vaccine is available to you for free, you might want to think about getting it even if it is not required. for h1n1 (swine flu) only if you are at risk. i have another conference about this stuff monday morning at ECMC regarding all this (so tired of hearing about it) if theres new news ill share, or if there are questions or i was unclear feel free to ask. i was writing in a hurry since i have to be back at the hosp by 3 hah, thanks!
