Parents... Will your child be getting the swine flu shot?

< waiting for Dr. to say bring em in. They are the expert not i

I work for a hospital, I wonder if they are gonna provide us with the vaccine?

Negative, Negative, Negative.

I don’t have kids, but even if I did NO WAY. I will not be recieveing it either.

How many times has a new product been the move “this product will cure arthritus, rls, headaches,astham,stupidness” came all over tv, and been taken country wide?

only for 3 - 4 years down the road to see a commercial like this

"if you or a loved one has taken (long ass list of shit that the fda fucked up while testing) and DIED you may be entitled to eleventybilliondollars?

No thanks, until we get some shit thats tested for a decade without sideeffects that are worse than what its treating, I’m good. Ive got hand sanitizer everywhere.

If you were in NY they would be forcing you to get it.

Also imho the people who are “forced” to get it are guinney pigs like the navy use to be.

Ask any navy person from 20 years ago who you know if they ever had to get something.
I was just talking to a neighbor who is x navy about how they would use boats full of navy personal as lab rats for contained controlled testing.

I actually just got the flu shot…lol

First time in about 6-7 years though, I never get the flu, shot or no shot.

They asked if I wanted it and I was like ehhh, go for it.

you got a flu shot, not the swine flu shot

I am getting my flu shot mid-october, they come to my building with a massive supply of flu shot and give it to all employees who want it.

I’ve never received the flu shot either. Fuck that noise. I don’t even remember the last time I had the flu.

^I know, but I was just saying how people are up in the air about getting shots

we’re forced (dr’s and people with direct patient contact) to get the seasonal flu vaccine because in contained areas such as hospitals it can spread like wildfire. not only is it meant to protect us from infected patients, but it prevents spread within the hospital, and from an infected worker to patients (who most likely are already immunocompromised), so its not a guinea pig thing, believe me there are other dept’s in hospitals that do actual testing, and they use real guinea pigs/mice/dogs or whatever animal is required

PTFFF, Glenn Beck works for FoxNews and they are drug company whores. Have you seen their ads?

I hate needles, as for my kids… thatd be a tough decision based on conversations with dr’s that i know and trust.

OT: My wife is on one of those and I can’t believe some of the shit that goes on there lol.

back to the topic: I can’t answer yet, it’s a hard question. we are still waiting on what are Dr. says, I will judge his opinion when I hear it.

the whole thing makes me a bit unsettled…
Last thing i really took note of about the h1n1 is that it had died down, but is expected to come back with an unknown amount of vengeance.
It seems like they are vaccinating for something that they really don’t know very much about, with a vaccine that hasn’t really been tested…

so, i don’t have children, but if i did, the answer would be no.

That is a big negative on my side

It’s seriously ridiculous. I’m laying off it for a while. I can’t handle the stupidity.


semi OT: A bunch of people I work with are saying h1n1 is a man made virus and a quick google search turned up thousands of results… but none seemed very credible to me.

nope, hes not old enough according to the doctors

no. and i dont know what thimersol is and i dont care.

swine flu is bullshit… no flu shots for anyone in my family.