you stupid bastard.

Your body stops producing it naturally. Thats all fine and dandy. Guess what, people have been living that way for THOUSANDS of years from what i can tell. I doubt that the fucking cave men were shooting themselves up with testosterone in their caves hiding from T-Rex’s. So I doubt that the lack of consistent and constant testosterone production in a normal persons body is so wrong that it NEEDS to be shot up with the shit. In fact i understand it now, its not LIFE THREATENING, its LIFE-STYLE THREATENING. I got it now!!! I see the light!!!

ALSO what your saying is, your body starts to produce less. So you balance it out and shoot in more. So now your body stops producing it, or lessens it even more since your “controlling” it with injections. What happens when you stop injecting it? Does your body just say “ohh wait, now I have to produce more… hold on a sec here it comes.” NOPE since it slowed down even more from the injections or even stops… I really doubt it will just stand to attention and start picking up where it left off.

Injecting steroids is like is like Pablo spreading some Bondo over the rear fender on his Honda Civic. It may cover up the problem, but it doesn’t stop it from getting worse.