ATTENTION LOVE4DICK!,r:6,s:22&biw=1280&bih=593

LS?WS6 has no idea what he is talking about. You should see his skinny ass.

Well I guess I should be lucky I was gifted with the right genetics, allowing me to be a ripped and tan as I am without juice.

I get juiced on hambergerz

Bennie 4 biggest loserz!!!

Dat ni99a been a loser since wayy back :lol

aaaahahahah wow u are retarded sean. long term affects for any drug art good per say but let me ask u this, if u were doing HRT then why would there be any long term affect at all? thats your natural test levels that your introducing into your body no? so then by saying steroids are bad is like saying natural testosterone is bad too no? so maybe every man should cut off their nuts so that they wont get these so called “long term affects” ??

u dont know shit so please shut it

again richie wtf? this statement is so ignorant and politician like i swar u copy and pasted it from a site. :facepalm

liver and kidney huh? maybe long term orals not IM injections Mr. NURSE boy. :Idiots

no offense but ur way to short. sorry

im going on record here to say this…

there are some retards out there, (most of your typical gym rats) who will use steroids the wrong way and do stupid things. like take a shit ton of orals and expect to get huge no knowing their liver is being over worked. this is dumb.

some long term affects can be high BP, stiff arteries and liver/kidney damage (orals only) among the stupid affects like infections from a dirty needle. again all these can be monitored and delt with accordingly when cycling.

on the plus side, these drugs are used everyday in the medical field for the greater good. aids patients, MS patients, cancer, and most muscle wasting dieses.

testosterone is a miracle hormone that keeps us from wasting away and every single one of u has it naturally, some more than others and sean is lacking the most. it regulates a lot of things in your body but as you age, your natural levels decrease. this is where HRT comes into play. introducing natural levels into your body has been done for years to keep men active, keep there sex drives alive and overall health. its very healthy and should cause 0 negative side affects due to the natural levels.

every male here produces testosterone naturally, which is equivilant to about 100mg of synthetic test a week. when u start to see men dieing off from there natural testosterone levels, let me know. until then know it alls can discuss this further with me in person if u would like because the thick headed retards just dont get it. until u have proof, pipe down

You’re a fucking moron, yes your body produces testosterone, but your body knows how much to produce so by injecting it, swallowing it, sucking it, whatever…it throws your body’s natural balance off.

And no matter what anyone says, unless you have a prescription they are still illegal.

im a fucking moron? how do u figure!?!?!?!?!

Drs know what your body produces by doing a simple blood test. :Idiots

your body will recognize this influx of testosterone and shut your natural production off. hence only being at natural levels. and what if your levels shut off completly??? your body balances itself out dumbass!!! that is why u get small nuts. again im only talking about injecting HRT levels, not going beyond here.

and im a retard. ha!

yo car ramrod’s been in the bodybuilding game for years, step off you meatheaded ratard, you don’t know dick.

Yea but other than you, no on has been talking about doctor prescribed steroids

Exactly, have you seen how huge I am