Attn: 4% of the time it works every time

Precisely. Maybe if more of the girls had mullets the results would have been different.

yeah, no shit. Hell, I don’t think I personally know any woman that would know the difference between an e-class or an s-class :stuck_out_tongue: on that same token, most seem to think that lexus is a BMW brand lol :banghead:

I think this was the reason why Xander decided to put his up sale.

speaking of vipers what happened to marcus? havent seen him lately…

hilarious :mamoru:

I think this test required them to name cars. If you put the cars in front of them and had the girls point, I bet it would be more effective.

Anyone who tries to use their car to get women (or “girls”) has larger problems (or smaller problems?) than the results of that poll anyway.

More scientific poll:



i’ve heard from more than a few girls, that they “love” the wrx hood scoop.

from what i concluded

Hood scoops get bitches wet

girls like subarus because they can see themselves driving one… not because they want a dude with one, that would be lame. :lol:





+1 the girl has an impretzel

X could not get laid in a strip club with a fist full of fifties! What makes you think a car could help?:eekdance:


X… :lol:

I hope Jeller posts the video of your slick dancing moves tonight. So yes, REALLY!!!:mamoru:

thats becuase they didn’t ask them about F-Bods lol…

I once knew a guy who dated someone that didnt know his corvette was a corvette until she read the airbag cover on the pass. side.