I need help using AUTOCADD CIVIL 3D!!

I use AUTOCADD Landesk all day long and now my boss wants me to learn how to use CIVIL 3d to create profiles, storm and sanitary pipe networks ect…

The problem i have been messing with CIVIL 3D for about 2 days and i have gotten no where!!

I am willing to pay for a tutor!!


I use AutoCAD Electrical 09, P&ID 09, & AutoCAD Architectural Desktop. I’m not fluent in Civil 3D. Is it project based?

yes very much so its much like auto cadd land desk. with the addition to creating everything in 3d

my dad might be able to help. Hes been using auto cadd for 20+ yrs… Plus he used to be a teacher at some point soo… ill let you know

ok thanks i am good with autocadd in general its just that civil is far more complex than auto cadd

yea im not sure which one hes uses exactly but ill talk to him and let you know