Job Opening : Engineers - Edited, now with 50% more jobs!

I work for a larg

My friend from work might be emailing you

any designer openings by any chance?

PM’s replied to.

Steve, actually, there is a strong possibility, it’s been tossed around, I don’t know if the job has actually been posted yet. I’ll check and let you know this afternoon.

thanks walter :tup:

FYI, we use Solidworks 2006, and a bit of autocad (barf, trying to get away from it).

yay solidworks, but god damn i had autocad

It’s mostly used with older drawings that were originally done in AC, nothing new is done in AutoCAD unless it’s an export for a shop or something.

I should mention, we just got a brand new HAAS CNC mill, lathe, mig, tig, plasma cutter, horizintal band saw, and a whole slew of other fun stuff :wink:

nice :tup: I’m not extremely strong in solidworks, but enough to get stuff done. I’m actually designing a wrench for a customer in solidworks 2k4 at the moment (my side buisness I’m trying to get going)

have, going on, 6 years work experience in Unigraphics v16-nx3/Cadra

havent used autocad in FOREVER though :(… not sure if I’d even remember how to use it lol

I just got AutoCad 2007 in the mail this past friday if you wanna learn the latest. :tup:

I would seriously brush up on as much SolidWorks as possible, you won’t be designing molds or anything, but being proficient in basic modeling and drawings withing solidworks is a MUST. There is the potential that you may end up doing complex sweeps and revolves for molded parts (handles and stuff).

Anyway, I did check, and we are looking for a designer, so if you are interested, send a resume to my email above with a cover letter. There is no job descrip. yet, but I have a feeling that for the right candidate this position could fill quickly. I’m assuming you are willing to relocate to Hotlanta?

so temping…i dont think the wife wants to move…

:tup: 3D solid modeling is the way to go now. Lots of jobs out there.

ATL is the shit, sooo many transplants in the city that it really isnt the south, little five points is cool and the bars and clubs make bufffalo look like a hole.

I would recommend anyone lookin to move to jump on this just make sure you live close to work or the drive is gonna suck :slight_smile:

This is a battle you should choose to fight. Force her to move :tup:

I’ll get it in to you later today :tup: and yeah, I’d deffinitly be willing to relocate. I actually put my resume on monster a while ago with the intention of relocating to Georgia/SC area… go figure that all the job offers have been local so far :stuck_out_tongue:

I live less than a mile from L5P and about a mile from VA Highlands. It’s definately worth it if anyones interested. I’ve replied to everyone that’s inquired.

If anyone has any questions about the jobs, or atlanta in general they are more than welcome to ask :hitit:

gonna try my best