Anyone who knows Solidworks.....

You should call me to talk…

It involves an opportunity at SSBC…

(716) 407-0154…

Dammit, if only I stayed in school another 2 years.

My appologies for being alittle vague in this post, I just don’t want to get 4,000 calls on my voicemail at work from people who “think” they know solidworks…

Maybe I am just to accustomed to the “Barf” network…

We have an opportunity to bring someone aboard to do lots of solidworks work
for us, and it would be awful nice to get some young talent in there who is a car
nut as well…

I have some experience with it, not nearly enough for what youre looking for. Good luck…

i know how to run solidworks license servers, and how to install it, is that good enough? :stuck_out_tongue:

Can you aimlessly bitch and moan about how my EVO is faster than 95% of the
V8 cars in our parking lot, and try to explain to me how terblows make it unfair
for V8’s?

Can you put on horse blinders and hate me only because I drive a car
with less than 8 cylinders?

If you can do that, you would fit right in…

Oh yeah, alittle drafting experience would help…

I have a friend… that is soon to graduate w/ a mechanical engineering degree… he is taking his solid works class now and already did the whole book…

and hes been working /w cars for years now…

its his last year of college in CNY…

I don’t have your cell…

I do know a few people who would be interested and either have degrees or will soon have degrees from RIT. They’ve spent a number of years on the RIT Mini-Baja team designing and building their own off-road race car for SAE. We actually designed and machined our own calipers and rotors for the car.

I’ll let some people know

How much compensation is SSBC offering?

tom ill send u my resume tomorrow

That is something for the SSBC wanna-be employee and our HR department to discuss.

I was just wondering if you are talking engineering money or drafting money. :shrug:

I do :o

It’s open right now.

If you’re going to be a CAD bitch, it’s gonna be drafting money.

There’s a reason Engineer’s have drafters :-p They get paid too much to spend all of their time in SolidWorks

You are correct.

only solidworks work huh? go to UniGraphics :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

if you want to run autodesk inventor, i am pretty good at it… i use it 40hrs/wk.

I <3 INVENTOR…IMO > SOLIDWORKS…but that one mans insight

newman - the glass doors in the top right of the cabinet… their handles are not equally spaced from the edge of the glass. Sorry dude.

that whole edge of the room was not being remodeled, so i eyballed alot of stuff. I was getting sick of walking down to the room and measuring. The handles are probably off because they are an arrayed element that wasnt constrained in the x axis. I started having to delete my constraints because they were slowing up my machine too much.