ATTN: Brett and Bearmarrow.

Ok? Learn how to drive your car then. Not my fault you cant handle it. Maybe you should down grade to something with less power. I was obviously the under dog when we lined up on the highway, was i not? And i still was less than a car behind you with 500 more lbs and you also tryin to spray me both times and claiming none came out and im not crying about the disadvantage i had. Getting this thing to hook at the track dead launching a 4300 lbs car isnt a picnic. Ive driven plenty of standard vehicles down the strip, a 500 hp RT challenger recently and it wasnt easy but, it also wasnt like building the fucking pyramids.


actually, going by track times given that 90% of this thread goes by that…and you actually just went there yourself my 13 second car was the under dog to your mid 11 second car, was it not? times dont lie right?

believe me, my spray wasn’t working…

Your car is built for the street, which youve stated and used that excuse redundently. My car is built for the track, which ive also made clear. You beat me at your race doing what you do and you cant hang where i race. So what? What are you trying to get at, dude? Im the underdog on the street and you are at the track. This year, you wont beat me at the track nor on the street. It is what it is.

I dont understand how a stalled auto on a sticky tire is the under dog on the streets.

you can make the claim that I wont beat you this year, but we will see what happens. Its a pretty big claim to not know whats going on behind my doors, and your “motor” cant be shipped from Houston…

Really? You dont underatand how you were at an advantage over me by weighing 500 lbs less? Cmon dude. You may have a shot on the street but you dont have a rapist’s chance at surviving in prison against me at the track. Sorry.

Id prefer a car without the motor sticking thru the hood (or lack of a hood) and one that can do more than go in a straight line.

To me the big blower that doesnt fit under the hood looks rather tacky/white trashish.

Def do want…:eek2


My motors in platsburgh moron. Youre such a little girl seriously. You say something thats touchy to get a rise out of someone for no reason whatsoever when nothing negative or bad was even directed at you and then they say something back and you jusy keep going and going and cant let it go. Grow the fuck up you child.

was flagged for removal , what was it man ?

'68 Charger. It did seem a little cheap at $7800.

that challenger is perfect, I bet that thing is pretty slow lol

8.03 on its second pass. Want want want.

do want… i wish it were an RT/SE.