Attn Cheeks and BurnyD

oh i will big boy!! just how u like it!!

short chunky velcro hair pink colar popper, question, before sucking off Petwer do you rinse the Hot sauce out of your mouth, or does he like the burn…:dunno:

:bj: + hot sauce = :eek: :mad: :reloading :wtcslap: :mrT: (brian)

schmieder lover, does her rub all the greas off of his face onto his dick soo you can anal fuck him? or do you just put in starigh in there with no form of lube?

:stupid: unless we see tits

supercalifragilistic xepedaldosios

Ur obviously a fucking idiot n not to mention that that grease is screwing up ur madula amblagada,so STFU while u still can

:rofl: :rofl:

ur laughing:stick: I htink u might be a lil bit confused, that is a word, not an ice cream flavor:doh:


no shit fucktard,i always said that word,

fudgetard? Is that like rockyroad at all?

no,that what u suck off ur B/F cock

devin you must be prego thinking of ice cream. whos the daddy?

:blah: :blah:

no no no…i didn’t put eregino in ur sack…it’s real i promise:bigthumb:


devin is funny tonight

I would rather be funny than funny looking;)