Attn Cheeks and BurnyD

so, and your point is

wow, is ur medicene makin u all pissy?

must be

its ok, i still :love: u

ewww your fucking homo…dont make me bitch fight your ass

u pussied out at wing nite fool, dont mess with me

wtf are you talking about you dumb whore? ill rip your nipples off dick face:slap:

do it please!

idk hahaha, id like to see you try

ill motor boat u, u son of a bitch

nice sig :rofl:


hahahahahah now i want to watch wedding crashers you shit stain thanks alot…

can i light yur car on fire with you still in it?

can u catch up to mine?

yes…your sorry ass cant drive hahahahahaha

haha, ya ok, when were u there when i drove my car??? a 1 arm monkey can drive an auto and beat burnyD

hahahahahahaha yea yea yea i was there when you drove at fld derrrrr

just stfu before i lock you in the basement. then what are you going to do huh?

i drove it at flashlights??? oh ya i went once and ran once haha

bring it on bitch




fuck off,wake me up like u use to :bj: