attn Cheeky,flatblackterror,bgblockelcamnio et al.

you would… ricer

It looks like you already have a copy of it in your sig. Queerbait.

yah schmeider sure is queerbait.

don’t you have something to eat fat ass??? I’m sure you can shove schmeiders balls farther down your throat and choke yourself couldn’t you?

no schmeiders balls are kept at first bass… I think chaz keeps them in a container in the refrigerator if you havent ate them yet. Which if its food and its fair games chances are you shit out schmeiders balls. Which means they were already in your mouth digested through that endless pitt of a stomach you have then his balls exited your asshole…

omg…hahahahahahaha…that is some funny ass shit

fuck u…PS im gonna paint ur door jams hot pink…ahaha

Pretty sad to see that burnyd,fba and cheeks have this lil connection…

you should talk… look at your gay trio of fags… YES MAC IS ONE OF THEM!

2 fat fags and one ethiopeon fags FTW!

sorry dont speak sanfranciscan :frowning:

but yet u know about the gay pride parades and the eating contest there…weird:ugh2:

I can take credit for the eating contestes yes…

I am TEH King Of all Eating Contests!

but the gay pride parade you are going to have to go alone with mac again this year.


POT?, are you calling me ethiopeon???

Chinese Eskimoian