attn Domantion

Anyone on here that is so addament about flow bench testing has no experience with flow benches. They have no clue about the variences of eye sighting maniscuses of the vaccum tube, and the flow tube. There are variences with your dial indicator. What if you have it just a bit off angle. Basically they think they know, but they just don’t. I don’t know your process of porting but mine has alot of steps. I devide the runners up into about 4 or 5 areas. I’ll start with the bowl, and then do all the bowls. Then profile the valve guide boss on all of them. Then smooth the long radious. Then smooth the short side. Then gasket match. Then slim the pushrod guide bulge. I do them in small portions so that my overall varience is minimal. Some people just don’t understand how well you get to know the ports when you work with them so long. People that work with dolphins can tell them all apart. The all look the same to me. People that port heads can pick out minute variences and fix them.

When the hell did CNC become a debate point? Just cause some dumbass brought is up as being an exellent alternative to hand porting (if you have the money) doesn’t mean anyone disagrees that its a great method. Come on newbies lets do some research before we post so we don’t look so foolish.