you are gay.
shut the fuck up…dont b mad cause a 15 year old gets more pussy than u…oo…and WHERE U LIVIN AT?
i think that the only thing we can agree on.
u only know he’s gay because he is your lover
Smeider have u ever been on the National Gepegraphic Channel? I could of sworn i saw u licking ur moms teet in the middle of the trible meeting?
dude you suck, just quit while your below now. youll never rise to level with how you acted. youre better off just leaving and ocming back when youre 18
oo yeah…that was ur’s though not mine…
No…i do beleive mine has all her teeth n no bugs flying graciously around her:nono:
then u must not have seen her lately…CALMMMM DOWNNN SLEEPP ITS OOOOOK
I’m calm…ur retarded:1320:
dude schmeider, just hang it up. I mean how much bashing are you willing to take to observe that you are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY not fitting in w/ these dudes and you are just making an ass out of yourself ONLINE? I mean, seriously, stop tryin to fit in. If you were a cool cat, then they would have accepted you. Instead you present yourself as an insecure teenager who needs to be accepted into a circle of friends. Why not try to make friends in High School, or are you just as annoying in person as you are online? I’ve never really interacted w/ you online but your posts are all :crying: trying to get attention and stuff. Just hang it up and go hang w/ ppl your own age and have fun
PS and posting threads titled “bowtie or oval” is totally GAY !
why are you still here? This website is no going to cure your problem for your mental retardation. It is only going to make you more of a emo fag than you are now.
DAMN if jinxy stepped in here, then the shit must be to deep…
nuthun but :love: for ya jinx :bigthumb:
thanks hun
u really are retarded…just stop, and maybe start over, with out this need to fit in, and be urself u fag, cause god knows ur not pullin pussy, and WHERE U LIVIN AT? is fucking gay as all hell
- i am pullin pussy cause i got a girl
- im not over 18 so i can live wit my parenrts
- Your girlfriend secertly has a mangina.
- Im sure your parents wish they had an abortion.
- You wont read this until your young faggot ass gets home from school.
SCHMEIDER leave…Ctrl+Alt+Delete twice thank you
so your 15 and getting ass. im sorry but you should be embarrased trying to pick up on 13yr olds. there is no reason to lie kid. we all know your story