attn first-bass

Please…thats only becasue he is easy to take adnvantage of when he gets drunk:69:

devin, i will easily out drink you with any brand of whiskey you chose.

cheeks go play football with your north park boyfriends and diaf

Honestly sonny, is that the best you can come up with??? I expected more from a tree hugger. So back to my original point come play football.

So…do u want a cookie or something?

i don’t need to come up with anything because you are a fucking dork!!! please get real.

yeah… that or you to blow me.

wow are we back in the 5th fucking grade, I’m a dork? Fuck you sonny, I’m gonna beat you sensless at the next picnic

:stick: I got 100 says sonny doesn,t even bother with ur lame ass:stick: I really hope u are NOT being serious with all these threats cheeks? U calling me is one thing becasue i have no problem beating ur little stubby fat ass but calling out sonny…someone who wouldn,t hurt a fly is another…what do u have to prove? That ur gay as ur BF first ass fucking? LAME…

I wouldn,t want to ruin ur breakfast:puke:

it is E-fighting isn’t it??


U can read?:stick:

where you come off throughing me back into this? Big mouths meet big fists Period.

For instance, ive taken my share of punches and more will come, im fine with it, See I know therisk of spouting off, and i am okay with it,

All i am saying is if i run my mouth asnd my teeth disapear, then i deserve it, and cant cry about it, so dont stick up for a guy who types all kinds of crazy shit, and isnt willing to take the punishment for his actions.

Move Along now, Nothing to see here.


have you ever gotten past there???




BV > you

O wait…i think cheeks tried to take down me(skinny guy) at football yesterday? But what happened? He seemed to of gotten into an MMA headlock and tapped out! Don’t fuck with the lil guy…i may not look like much but i’ll put a hurtin on most!

P.S. He made up for it almost by bringing beers,too bad only two were miller lights!

Notice I said where I got the beer from…my sisters stash. Therefore it explains why you drink it…bitch