attn first-bass

when did efighting get so lame

when you woke your fat ass up to post something so lame

exactly the same day you donated your 15 dollars

football & no me!:sad:

football??? i wanna play football!!!


I thought it was the day you signed up for pittspeed. :dunno:

This thread sucks ur dogs dick! Which i might add is appearently bigger than urs according to cheeks!


Back off tubby,

The way I see it you have 2 options here.

1 you shut the fuck up completely, and leave NOW.

2 I take a certain lovley womens body and spackle it with my man chowder then, make a quote about it and place it in my sig.

Thank you, bye bye


try it & i’ll be on RT8 & thats no joke!

e-fighting jackass…not REAL life:nono: maybe in the sticks but not here

fuck u to

NO…U know what…FUCK U and the billy goat u rode in on! Whet the fuck is ur god damn problem as of late? Do u think u are better than any of us NON-mods? Well ur not! I don’t give a fuck who u are at all brian,ur a cool guy but u have been a faggot for a week or so now for no reason,keep ur fucking nose out of other peoples business as well and get that stick out of ur tight ass! Wwhat the fuck happened to u? seriously

i like lists, so heres another

1.)- Try?- Spatter?

2.)- Try? funny sig?

3.)- oh, you’ll be on route 8 alright, when i drag your frumpy ass out to the center line covering in throat yogurt, and wearing a nicely fitted mushroom stamp tatto on your enormous fourTEEN head. :kekegay:


whatsit have to do with beinfg a mod??? cme up with mac to finish his car & u’ll talk than fag boy!

404 not found,ur just a lame ass :tool: no0b,so give it up!!! /u

I already said i was going to but someone cried about it and was being stubborn:slap: Waht do u mean by i’ll talk then? Are u being serious? U gonna get all pissd off and want to beat my ass becasue of e-fighting…?..:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

:dunno: i was laughing about it, :dunno: