attn: First Bass

look familiar chaz

![ 1.jpg]( 1.jpg)

haha…i remember that thing

yeah, its enjoying its retirement in millerstown lot for junk mobiles… lol

haha ya i got the 4 guage power line out of it lol

lol bet your wishing i left the clarion speakers in there

Walked passed it the other day. Assumed it was Mike and Chaz’s old one, and scoured it for speakers and schtuff. Didn’t find anything though, haha.

I took all the goodies…chaz said it wasn’t worth taking out the power wire so i left it. I removed my headunit, chaz’s speakers, my amp, and left a bunch of bs that wasn’t needed lol…i think i nabbed the battery too!!!

If you want those speakers…you can have em for cheap