check out my new system

pretty sweet huh?


if you’d restore taht truck to somewhat decent. it’d be a cool ride again.

I have to finish remodeling my basement and a few other things around the house then i can devote some time to the truck. I bought it last year to haul some dirt and block and then throw it away(cause it was cheaper to buy the truck than to pay someone to haul the stuff for me), but my wife likes it and said I should keep it and fix it up.

I do need a radio and some speakers if anyone has anything laying around.

i do… tape player and some speakers (i think) … tape player fo sho

I have some speakers- boston acoustics


I have a decent set of 6x9s. Clarions. I forget the model number but they are good speakers. I dont have the grilles anymore. I’ll let them go real cheap.



i’m game

when you want to get rid of them?

there yours whenever?

whenever you want to be iced out!

i can toss the player in the VW… it’s sitting on a shelf @ teh garage

nice system! how much it cost?

it needs a 8 track

ghetto fabulous

holy old thread.

I finished the basement and now have time for the truck. It’s not going to have a radio though. Radio’s are for sissies


pics of basement