aftermarket cd player and 4x6 speakers

before i go and put a lil money into my work truck (99 Mack Cab over) i was wondering if anyone on the site had a decent cd player and decent speakers that are 2-way or 3way 4x6 oval.

i would like 2 speakers and maybe 4 if you have them i want decent ones im not lookin for some crappy paper speakers… let me know what you guys have layin around… if noone has anything then i will go and get a cheap radio and speakers from best buy i suppose.

the ones in my truck now are cracked and suck and the radio is a sweet tape player only :-/

go down to mack on beaver ave and see what left over radio’s they have.
had a 06/07 with a mack cd radio/speakers sounded pretty damn good.

fuck best buy.

Oh yeah it’s a work truck. tell boss you want reimbursed :rofl:

I thought pittsburgh mack closed up years ago?

i have 2 pair of cerwin vega 4x6 in my basment. $40 for both pairs

Nope It’s Mack / Volvo

I have an alpine CD player that isn’t terrible… and maybe another? Also should have 4" speakers potentially 4x6’s???