attn: fshowcars

all you do is whine! change your fucking tampon!

he can’t. the string broke off and he’s tighter than a boy scout with an imperforate sphincter…

the one in his vagina or asshole?

showcars/blanyer/darkstar would make for a hell of a political debate. i would pay to watch myself

i’d do it. call jim lehrer.

It would have to be live though, not on the Interweb.

even better.

you honestly think you can even hold a candle to my e-fighting? bring it you punk ass douche!

and try not to demonstrate the intellegence of a down syndrome patient when you respond.

  1. you’re a bitch
  2. you’re annoying
  3. getting shit on by firemen is NOT COOL



shelby is a fucking tool bag pomo


Why don’t you slip into something more comfortable…like a coma.


i almost shot dr pepper out of my nose.

be original… seraching movie quotes online is for pussies.

and pewter :kekegay:

never heard it from a movie…

leave, continue on with licking george matta’s asshole

x2 That was a good one.

who the fuck is george matta?

yeah shelby, that was pretty good

Sonny, you better come back with something strong. I never thought id say this, but Shelby is in the lead here.