Attn: Guido Juiceheads Top left.

Shift party. Someone make arrangements please.

6500/night?? FAIL lmao. my family just booked a house in the middle of july thats bigger, nicer, 2 car garage and RIGHT on the ocean (in DE 10 miles north of ocean city MD) for around a third of that for the entire week.

$15,000 for a 3 night rental on July 4th & Memorial Day LOL

Fuck them

You guys arent really harnessing the grandiose nature of the Jersey Shore house. No amount of money is too much.

Im booking it for July 4th. Get your hair gel and jager ready

I hope you are ok with the fact you just killed 1/3 of this forum from having their brains overheat trying to comprehend that exact word…

My bad. I didnt really use it 100% properly either. :frowning: I apologize for being such an anathema upon the forum. I simply want Shift to expand its hegemony throughout the rest of the tri-state area.


That act would indeed be facetious as the intellectual capacity of the average person on shift can not be determined by simple mathematics. For the facts of the world which are presented on shift have no verity, or substantiality proves that a once objective, known idealism can be corrupted by the savor of just one post.

I would argue that if the scientific method did not subsist in this world as we know it, objective declaration could be nullified with a simple quarrel derived directly from Shift518.


Oh snap, right up my alley.