Attn: internet gurus

alright, say i want to put a small GIF or JPG file in my AIM Profile…
Now AIM profiles do not see HTML code…
thus if you wanted t do something like say…


the Profile doesnt display the picture…
think there is anything around this?
serious question! cuz im curious

Well, first you need to do the HTML code right…

<a href=“http://www.blahblahblah/images/picture.gif”>Click here for my pic</a>

right, but say i dont want it to say “click here for my pic”, and i want to force it to just show the picture… then what?

i dont think it can

^ what he said… you can only have the URL.

Unless AIM has it’s own special built-in feature to add pictures to the profile, which I have not ever seen a picture in a profile before, and I don’t generally use AIM.

I don’t think you can but I don’t care enough to confirm that…if people want to look at pictures the least they can do and will is click on a link.

i’ve heard you could do it with a hex editor, i tried it last night and replaced hex values like site said, i did it wrong most likely… it didnt work

Hex editor? I’ve never heard of such thing.

Hex codes are like #ffffff or #000000 or #0000ff or #FF0000, and they represent colors, not images.

why waste your time with that stupid bullshit though?

fuck AIM

but that puts them into a subprofile, i want to see if its possible to insert an image into the aim profile without linking

my solution is the solution dude…

once again, i revert back to the question… “why waste your time with that stupid bullshit though?”

he just wants to make all profile readers blind with his peon pictures
